The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Every evening, candles are lit for me..." (Mne kajdyiy vecher zajigayut svechi...) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Every evening candles are lit for me

And smoke surrounds your image in the air,

And I don't want to know that time can heal,

That everything will pass along with it.

I won't be free from peace anymore:

For everything my soul held for the year ahead,

Unknowing, she took with her,

First to the port, and then onto the plane.

Every evening candles are lit for me

And smoke surrounds your image in the air,

And I don't want to know that time can heal,

That everything will pass along with it.

Inside my soul - a desolate wasteland,

So why stand above my empty soul!

Scraps of songs and cobwebs there remain,

And everything else she took with her.

Now every evening lights candles for me

And smoke surrounds your image in the air,

And I don't want to know that time can heal,

That everything will pass along with it.

Inside my soul - all goals without a road,

Delve into it - and you will find only

Two half-phrases, half-dialogues,

And everything else - France, Paris.

And let the evening light candles for me

And smoke surround your image in the air,

But I don't want to know that time can heal,

That everything will pass along with it.

Мне каждый вечер зажигают свечи

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит

Что все проходит вместе с ним

Я больше не избавлюсь от покоя:

Ведь все, что было на душе на год вперед

Не ведая, она взяла с собою

Сначала в порт, а после - в самолет

Мне каждый вечер зажигают свечи

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит

Что все проходит вместе с ним

В душе моей - пустынная пустыня,

Так что ж стоите над пустой моей душой!

Обрывки песен там и паутина,

А остальное все она взяла с собой

Теперь мне вечер зажигает свечи

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит

Что все проходит вместе с ним

В душе моей - все цели без дороги,

Поройтесь в ней - и вы найдете лишь

Две полуфразы, полудиалоги,

А остальное - Франция, Париж.

И пусть мне вечер зажигает свечи

И образ твой окуривает дым,

Но не хочу я знать, что время лечит

Что все проходит вместе с ним

In Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "Every evening candles are lit for me...", the lyrical hero experiences the acute pain of loss associated with the departure of his beloved. The entire text is permeated with an atmosphere of grief, longing, and unwillingness to accept the loss.

The recurring refrain "Every evening candles are lit for me / And your image is shrouded in smoke / And I don't want to know that time heals / That everything passes with it" is a kind of ritual, an attempt by the hero to maintain a connection with his departed love. Lighting candles and shrouding the image in smoke are references to religious or mystical practices aimed at communicating with the other world. The hero clings to memories, to everything that reminds him of his beloved, and categorically rejects the possibility of healing over time. He does not want to forget, he does not want the pain to subside, because it would mean complete and final loss.

The image of a "deserted desert" in the hero's soul emphasizes the depth of his despair. Everything that was valuable and important went away with his beloved. All that is left are "scraps of songs", "half-phrases", "half-dialogues" – fragments of past happiness that now only cause pain.

The mention of France and Paris is probably not accidental. These images are associated with romance, love, happiness. Perhaps it was there that the hero was happy with his beloved, and now these memories are another source of unbearable pain.

Vysotsky's poem is a piercing cry of the soul, which cannot and does not want to come to terms with the loss. The hero is doomed to eternal suffering, and the only solace for him is to preserve the memory of his beloved, even if this memory brings only pain.

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