The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The world is so pitch black." (Mir takoy kromeschnyiy) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The world is pitch black,

Snowy in summer and winter,

A man walks through the world,

A good man, a sinful one.

Who is your God, who is your idol,

Oh, man? - you don't know yourself,

And you suffer on the way,

My dear man.

Listen, boy Vanya,

In this life, we are all gypsies,

He will fade and wither,

Or become a flower again,

Maybe you will leave a son on earth,

Maybe you will return to darkness like this

A pair of blue poppies

Will bloom in your eyes.

Мир такой кромешный,

Он и летом и зимою снежный,

Человек идёт по миру,

Человек хороший, грешный.

Кто твой Бог, кто твой кумир,

О, человек? - ты и сам не знаешь,

И в пути страдаешь,

Дорогой мой человек.

Слушай, мальчик Ваня,

В этой жизни все цыгане,

Отцветёт он и увянет,

Или вновь цветком он станет,

Может сына ты оставишь на земле,

Может так вернешься к мраку

Парой синих маков

Расцветут глаза твои.

The lyrics to Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The World is So Pitch Dark" are imbued with profound philosophical meaning, reflecting on the essence of human existence, the search for faith, and our purpose in life.

The image of the world is painted by the author as gloomy and cold ("The world is so pitch dark, it's snowy in summer and winter"). This is a metaphor for the journey of life, full of hardships and trials, where there's no place for warmth or light.

The person depicted in the song is presented as both "good" and "sinful." This duality reflects the contradictory nature of humanity, our capacity for both good and evil, the constant struggle between the light and dark sides of our souls.

The question "Who is your God, who is your idol?" is not addressed to a specific individual but to all mankind. The author emphasizes that often people themselves don't know what they believe in, what they strive for, they wander in darkness, suffering from uncertainty and a lack of purpose in their existence.

The address "boy Vanya" can be interpreted as an appeal to the younger generation, to everyone just embarking on their life's journey. Vysotsky, as if warning them about the upcoming trials, about the unpredictable nature of life ("everyone's a gypsy"), its beauty and transience ("it will bloom and then wither").

The song's ending offers hope for rebirth, for the possibility that even after death ("to the darkness") a person can find a new life, a new beginning ("he will become a flower again," "you'll leave a son behind," "your eyes will bloom"). The image of blue poppies is associated with beauty, tenderness, but also with the fragility and fleeting nature of life.

Thus, Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The World is So Pitch Dark" is a reflection on the complex questions of human existence, the search for meaning in life, and the themes of faith and hope.

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