The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Peace to your home!" (Mir vaschemu domu!) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I am a Yak fighter, my engine roars,

The sky is my dwelling, my endless domain.

But the one who sits inside and ignores,

Believes that he's truly the one who can reign.

In this battle, a Junkers I've shot from the sky,

I toyed with him, showed him what I could do.

But the one who's inside, with a glint in his eye,

Is starting to wear on my nerves, it's true.

In the last fight, I was riddled with holes,

The mechanic patched me up, set me right.

But the one who sits at my controls,

Insisted on diving back into the fight.

From the bomber, a bomb screams down with a roar,

Bringing death to the airfield, a terrible sound.

But it seems like the stabilizer sings even more:

"Peace to your house!" as it spins to the ground.

Now a Messerschmitt's coming at me from the side,

I'll flee, I am weary, my strength nearly gone.

But the one who sits inside, filled with pride,

Has decided, I see, on a suicidal dawn.

What's he doing? An explosion is due any tick!

But I won't burn on the ground, not this time.

Breaking limits and speed, I pull out of his trick,

Escaping the dive, leaving death far behind.

I am master, and behind... Damn him, can't he see?!

Where is he, my wingman, supposed to be near?

There he is, trailing smoke, then he nods and sings free:

"Peace to your house!" his final message is clear.

And the one in my cockpit, his recklessness rife,

Is alone now, his folly he'll have to embrace.

He misled me, tricked me, right into this strife,

Into a deadly dive, a perilous chase.

He pushes the limits, the stress is immense,

Oh, what a hero, this ace at the helm!

But again, he must yield to my better sense,

And this time, it's a lesson he'll have to learn well.

No longer obedient, I swear, no more will I yield!

Better to lie on the earth, my fight at an end.

Can't he hear my heart pounding, my anguish revealed?

My fuel, my lifeblood, is nearing its end!

Even machines have a limit, a breaking point near,

And his time has run out, his recklessness cursed.

The one who was sitting inside, consumed by his fear,

Suddenly found his face smashed against the glass, first.

Dead! At long last, I soar freely, unchained,

Burning the last of my strength in the sky.

But what is this treachery, this fate I've attained?

I'm caught in a dive, and I know I will die!

It's a shame that I've done so little, so much left undone,

May another find glory, their victory grand.

It seems that I too, in my final breath, sung:

"Peace to your house!" as I fall to the land.

Я — "Як"-истребитель, мотор мой звенит,

Небо — моя обитель,

А тот, который во мне сидит,

Считает, что он — истребитель.

В этом бою мною «Юнкерс» сбит,

Я сделал с ним что хотел.

А тот, который во мне сидит,

Изрядно мне надоел.

Я в прошлом бою навылет прошит,

Меня механик заштопал,

А тот, который во мне сидит,

Опять заставляет — в штопор.

Из бомбардировщика бомба несёт

Смерть аэродрому,

А кажется — стабилизатор поёт:

«Мир вашему дому!»

Вот сбоку заходит ко мне «Мессершмидт».

Уйду — я устал от ран.

Но тот, который во мне сидит,

Я вижу, — решил: на таран!

Что делает он? Вот сейчас будет взрыв!

Но мне не гореть на песке!

Запреты и скорости все перекрыв,

Я выхожу из пике.

Я — главный, а сзади... Ну чтоб я сгорел! -

Где же он — мой ведомый?

Вот он задымился, кивнул и запел:

«Мир вашему дому!»

И тот, который в моём черепке,

Остался один — и влип.

Меня в заблужденье он ввёл и в пике

Прямо из мёртвой петли.

Он рвёт на себя, и нагрузки — вдвойне.

Эх! Тоже мне, лётчик-ас!

Но снова приходится слушаться мне,

И это в последний раз.

Я больше не буду покорным! Клянусь!

Уж лучше лежать на земле.

Ну что ж он не слышит, как бесится пульс,

Бензин — моя кровь — на нуле?!

Терпенью машины бывает предел, -

И время его истекло.

И тот, который во мне сидел,

Вдруг ткнулся лицом в стекло.

Убит! Наконец-то лечу налегке,

Последние силы жгу.

Но что это, что?! — я в глубоком пике

И выйти никак не могу!

Досадно, что сам я немного успел,

Но пусть повезёт другому.

Выходит, и я напоследок спел:

«Мир вашему дому!»...

The song "Peace to your home!" by Vladimir Vysotsky tells a tragic story of a military pilot and his fighter plane "Yak". The main character is the plane itself, endowed with human qualities: it feels, thinks and fights. Its "inner voice" is the pilot, who controls the machine.

The text is built on the contrast between these two characters. The plane is presented as an experienced and cautious fighter, striving to survive and accomplish its combat mission. The pilot, however, is young and reckless, driven by a thirst for heroic deeds, even at the cost of his own life.

The culmination comes in the scene where the pilot, ignoring the fatigue of the machine and the mortal danger, decides to ram the enemy. The plane saves itself and the pilot by pulling out of a dive, but the wingman, inspired by the commander's example, repeats the maneuver and dies.

The ending of the song is tragic. The plane, freed from the reckless pilot, gains long-awaited freedom, but finds itself in a fatal dive, a consequence of the deceased pilot's actions. The last words "Peace to your home!", which the machine involuntarily repeats after the deceased wingman, sound like a bitter irony of fate.

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