The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The Bears' Football Team March" (Marsch futbolnoy komandyi «Medvedey») the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

When saints are lapping

Their nectar and sherry brandy

And falling on the grass and under the table

Then the invincible "Bears" are playing

A bloody, wild, true football

In a bear's grip

It's not reasonable to fall into our clutches

But these same paws of ours - are gentle

For our lovely girls and wives

We draw a card

From injury to heart attack

We are expecting good luck

We are the angels of excitement!

Forward to victory!

The opponents are crushed and pathetic

We taught them a lesson, brought them up

But here are the "Bears"

Getting fresh violets

And visiting them in the hospital

A bear's grip

No other can withstand

And, in general, we are gentle guys

With a battered but bright head

We draw a card

From injury to heart attack

We are expecting good luck

We are the angels of excitement!

And they scored against us

The brave "Bears" do not lose heart

They don't know problems on the field

And on the grave

All our Marys, Dorothys and Sadies

Will shed streams of tears into a dented helmet

In a bear's grip

Anyone will fall into our hands

And yet, we are gentle guys

With a traumatized child's soul

We draw a card

From injury to heart attack

We are expecting good luck

We are the angels of excitement!

And let the saints

Having eaten and had their fill of women

Look at the real idols

The evil "Bears"

With incredible, furious football

Will please the divine eyes

A bear's grip

Closing, screaming

Save our gentle souls

The untouched souls of little bears!

Когда лакают

Святые свой нектар и шерри-бренди

И валятся на травку и под стол

Тогда играют

Никем непобедимые "Медведи"

В кровавый, дикий, подлинный футбол

В тиски медвежие

Попасть к нам - не резон

Но те же наши лапы - нежные

Для наших милых девочек и жен

Нам выпадает карта

От травмы до инфаркта

Мы ожидаем фарта

Мы - ангелы азарта!

Вперед, к победе!

Соперники растоптаны и жалки

Мы проучили, воспитали их

Но вот "Медведи"

Приобретают свежие фиалки

И навещают в госпитале их

Тиски медвежие

Не выдержит иной

А, в общем, мы - ребята нежные

С пробитою, но светлой головой

Нам выпадает карта

От травмы до инфаркта

Мы ожидаем фарта

Мы - ангелы азарта!

А нам забили

Не унывают смелые "Медведи"

Они не знают на поле проблем

А на могиле

Все наши мэри, доротти и сэди

Потоки слез прольют в помятый шлем

В тиски медвежие

К нам попадет любой

А впрочем, мы - ребята нежные

С травмированной детскою душой

Нам выпадает карта

От травмы до инфаркта

Мы ожидаем фарта

Мы - ангелы азарта!

И пусть святые

Пресытившись едой и женским полом

На настоящих идолов глядят

"Медведи" злые

Невероятным, бешеным футболом

Божественные взоры усладят

Тиски медвежие

Смыкаются, визжат

Спасите наши души нежные

Нетронутые души медвежат!

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "March of the Football Team 'Bears'" uses the guise of a sports anthem to satirize the blind aggression and hypocrisy inherent in totalitarian systems.

The "Bears" are not just football players, but an allegory for the machine of violence that mindlessly crushes everything in its path. Their game is "bloody," "wild," "genuine" – epithets that speak not of sporting excitement, but of cruelty and lack of principle. The "bear hug" is a symbol of repression, from which there is no escape ("It's not wise to cross our path").

However, the image of the "Bears" is two-faced. They are cruel to their opponents but "gentle" to "their own" – wives and girls. This contrast emphasizes the hypocrisy of the system, which hides behind beautiful slogans but in reality sows violence.

The "cards dealt from injury to heart attack" and "luck" are not just sporting risks, but a metaphor for life in a totalitarian state, where a person is just a pawn in someone else's game. "Angels of excitement" is a caustic irony that exposes the true face of the "Bears" – ruthless and cynical.

Even defeats do not change the "Bears." They feel no remorse, and their grief over their fallen comrades ("Mary, Dorothy, and Sadie") seems feigned and false. "A traumatized child's soul" is another stroke in the portrait of the "Bears," showing that behind the mask of cruelty lies infantilism and an inability to empathize.

In the finale of the song, the "Bears" turn into "idols" watched by "saints." This is the culmination of the satire, where the absurdity of the situation reaches its peak. The "divine gaze" is delighted not by beauty, but by "furious, rabid football" – that is, violence and aggression.

In the last lines, fear breaks through the bravado: "Save our tender souls! The untouched souls of bear cubs!" This cry from the heart exposes the true face of the "Bears" – behind the mask of cruelty lies fear and vulnerability.

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