The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Oh, the inside." (Oh, insayd) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

The ball is hiding in the mowed grass

A second of pause on the field and on air

They play the "double-ve" system

But we don't care, we have "four-two-four"

Oh, inside forward! For him, football is like ballet

And he always dances on the right wing

There's no justice in the world or on the field

Why do I always play only on the left?

Here's the inside forward, he scored, having received a precise pass

I wish he'd meet me on the road

I can't: the coach put me on the bench

And his legs are getting broken in the game

The ball is hiding in the mowed grass

A second of pause on the field and on air

They play the "double-ve" system

But we don't care, we have "four-two-four"

Never mind! I'll bide my time today

For me, the penalty area is like my apartment

I'll catch up, I'll catch up with him today

Even if they don't put me on the World Cup roster

Never mind! I'll wait for him after the match

And then we'll have a little chat without a referee

I'll be in trouble, my heart senses it - I'll end up

From the bench to the defendant's bench

The ball is hiding in the mowed grass

A second of pause on the field and on air

They play the "double-ve" system

But we don't care, we have "four-two-four"

Мяч затаился в стриженой траве

Секунда паузы на поле и в эфире

Они играют по системе "дубль-ве"

А нам плевать, у нас – "четыре-два-четыре"

Ох инсайд! Для него – что футбол, что балет

И всегда он танцует по правому краю

Справедливости в мире и на поле нет

Почему я всегда только слева играю

Вот инсайд гол забил, получив точный пас

Я хочу, чтоб он встретил меня на дороге

Не могу: меня тренер поставил в запас

А ему сходят с рук перебитые ноги

Мяч затаился в стриженой траве

Секунда паузы на поле и в эфире

Они играют по системе "дубль-ве"

А нам плевать, у нас – "четыре-два-четыре"

Ничего! Пусть сегодня я повременю

Для меня и штрафная площадка квартира

Догоню, я сегодня его догоню

Пусть меня не заявют на первенство мира

Ничего! После матча его подожду

И тогда побеседуем с ним без судьи мы

Пропаду, чует сердце мое – попаду

Со скамьи запасных на скамью подсудимых

Мяч затаился в стриженой траве

Секунда паузы на поле и в эфире

Они играют по системе "дубль-ве"

А нам плевать, у нас – "четыре-два-четыре"

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Oh, Inside Forward," we see, at first glance, a description of a football match. However, behind the sports terminology and the lyrical hero's experiences lies a deep metaphorical subtext.

The juxtaposition of "we" and "they" reflects not so much sporting rivalry as a clash of two life positions. "They" are successful and recognized, playing by the established rules ("double-ve"). "We" are outsiders who do not fit into the system but remain true to our principles ("four-two-four").

The image of the inside forward, scoring goals, symbolizes luck, recognition, an easy path to success. The lyrical hero, stuck "on the left flank," envies him, feels the injustice of the distribution of life's blessings. He longs not only to be on par with the inside forward but also to "meet him on the road," perhaps to confront him, to find out the reason for his own lack of demand.

The football match is a metaphor for the struggle of life. The coach who benches the hero represents fate, depriving him of the chance of success. The inside forward's broken legs are a sign that the easy way is not always the right one.

The ending of the song takes on an ominous tone. The hero is ready to go to extremes to achieve justice, even at the cost of breaking the law ("I will end up from the bench to the dock").

Thus, Vysotsky uses a sporting theme to create a social sketch that reflects the conflict between the individual and the system, the thirst for justice, despair, and a willingness to rebel.

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