The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A little song from a play" (Pesenka iz spektaklya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

You came to a nameday party

For Poemimes, pa-pa-Poemimes!

Moms are rhymes, dads are mimes

And so we get Poemimes!

It would be sad

If we didn't understand

What art is, what art is

Let's take off the makeup

Remove the masks

Means are mini

Hearts are maxi!

Hug me

Lift me up

Understand me

But freely - but freely! - without pressure

Our name, our name

Poemime, Poemime!

We live, changing poses

Arching our backs, soaring in dreams

But we'll realize quite late

That we are creating Poemimes

From Arab to Jew

From birth to funeral

Time, time, time, time

Dictates the Poemime to us

An astronaut in the silence of the cabin

Performs Poemimes

A bath attendant dances like a jinn

Poemime, Poemime...

Be amazed

Be amazing!

Maybe a face will emerge

Through the indi


Of new gestures and actions

Take off your slippery boots

The craft seems innocent:

Make a mistake - break yourself!

The Poemime is merciless!

To a layman - like a mine

Poemime, Poemime

From the beloved to the unloved

We flutter as a Poemime

Let me down

Take me off

Understand me

But freely, without pressure!

Our name, our name

Poemime, Poemime!

...Today we will play for you

A Poemime with a left winger!

Puck, puck, give us a puck!

Вы пришли на именины

Поэмимы, па-па-поэмимы!

Мамы — рифмы, папы — мимы

Получились поэмимы!

Было б грустно

Не пойми мы

В чём искусство, в чём искусство

Снимем гримы

Срежем маски

Средства — мини

Сердца — макси!

Обними меня

Подними меня

Пойми меня

Но свободно — но свободно! — без нажима

Наше имя, наше имя

Поэмима, поэмима!

Мы живём, меняя позы

Спины гнём, в мечтах парим мы

Но поймём довольно поздно

Что свершаем поэмимы

От араба до еврея

От рожденья до поминок

Время, время, время, время

Нам диктует поэмима

Космонавт в тиши кабины

Совершает поэмимы

Пляшет банщик вроде джинна

Поэмима, поэмима...



Может быть, лицо проступит

Через инди


Новых жестов и поступков

Сбросьте скользкие сапожки

Ремесло — на вид невинно:

Ошибёшься — расшибёшься!

Беспощадна поэмима!

Обывателю — как мина

Поэмима, поэмима

От любимой к нелюбимой

Мы порхаем поэмимой

Опусти меня

Сними меня

Пойми меня

Но свободно, без нажима!

Наше имя, наше имя

Поэмима, поэмима!

...Мы сегодня вам сыграем

Поэмиму с левым крайним!

Шайбу, шайбу, давай шайбу!.

This song by Vysotsky reflects on the nature of art, using the image of "poemime" as a metaphor for the creative act. "Poemime" in this context is not just a piece of poetry, but any action, event, or even a person's life, if you look at them from the point of view of their artistic value, expressiveness, depth, and meaning.

The Birth of Art:

"Mamas are rhymes, papas are mimes": Creativity is born from the combination of form and content, technique and emotion.

"Let's take off the makeup, cut off the masks": True art is honest and open; it does not hide behind conventions.

Freedom and Responsibility:

"Embrace me... But freely - freely! - without pressure": Art requires freedom of expression but also implies responsibility for one's creations.

"Make a mistake - you'll break! Poemime is merciless!": The price of error in art is high; it does not forgive falsehood.

The Ubiquity of Art:

"From Arab to Jew, from birth to funeral": Poemime (art) is present in everything; it knows no boundaries, nationalities, or time.

"The astronaut... Performs poemimes", "The bath attendant dances... Poemime, poemime": Any action filled with meaning and beauty can become art.

Transformative Power:

"Maybe a face will appear... Of new gestures and actions": Art can change a person, help them see themselves and the world in a new way.

"Today we will play you a Poemime with the left winger!": Life is a stage, and we are all participants in the "poemime" - the play of life.

Play and Experimentation:

"Puck, puck, give me the puck!": Vysotsky introduces an element of play, reminding us that art is also joy, passion, and experimentation.

Overall, the song "Poemime" is a hymn to creativity in all its manifestations, a call for freedom of expression, and a search for meaning and beauty in every moment of life.

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