The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Song about incidents" (Pesnya pro sluchai) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

We all live as if, but

We haven't been stirred for a long time

Neither by train whistles,

Nor by steamboat horns.

Others - those who are given -

Strive into the depths - and see the bottom, -

But - like dung beetles

And shallow-water fish...

And nearby, chances fly like bullets -

Stray, belated, blind, at the end of their flight -

Some dared to expose themselves to them -

And immediately: some are in the grave, some are in esteem.

And we - didn't even notice

And just dodged, -

Deliberately according to a sign, or -

Stumbled on the right foot.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle -

Oh, how long have we not been straight! -

Now we bend to bow down,

And then - to tie a string...

We strive to penetrate into the distance, -

But even bright minds

All place between the lines -

They count on the long term...

We strive to rise up -

After all, our thoughts have risen, -

And there they reign, light,

Free, eternal, high.

And so we wanted to go up,

That we got drunk yesterday -

And contrary to the bitter smoke

We ate sweet pieces...

By open burglary, without a key,

Sobbing about horrors,

We want to open the plague basement -

Risking even our heads.

And soberly, not in the heat of the moment

We cut off the past from the shoulder, -

But we strike with a relaxed hand,

Cold, decrepit - none at all.

It's nice to throw the mountain off your shoulders -

And bring everything to God's judgment,

And stretch out your hand, trembling,

And show - there is no knife in it, -

Not being afraid that the card sharp

Will carve up the unarmed.

But we, the iron ones, are sharpened by rust -

And the psychology of horror...

And nearby, chances fly like bullets -

Stray, belated, blind, at the end of their flight -

Some dared to expose themselves to them -

And immediately: some are in the grave, some are in esteem.

And we - didn't even notice

And just dodged, -

Deliberately according to a sign, or -

Stumbled on the right foot.

Мы все живем как будто, но

Не будоражат нас давно

Ни паровозные свистки,

Ни пароходные гудки.

Иные - те, кому дано, -

Стремятся вглубь - и видят дно, -

Но - как навозные жуки

И мелководные мальки...

А рядом случаи летают, словно пули, -

Шальные, запоздалые, слепые, на излете, -

Одни под них подставиться рискнули -

И сразу: кто - в могиле, кто - в почете.

А мы - так не заметили

И просто увернулись, -

Нарочно по примете ли -

На правую споткнулись.

Средь суеты и кутерьмы -

Ах, как давно мы не прямы! -

То гнемся бить поклоны впрок,

А то - завязывать шнурок...

Стремимся вдаль проникнуть мы, -

Но даже светлые умы

Все размещают между строк -

У них расчет на долгий срок...

Стремимся мы подняться ввысь -

Ведь думы наши поднялись, -

И там царят они, легки,

Свободны, вечны, высоки.

И так нам захотелось ввысь,

Что мы вчера перепились -

И горьким дымам вопреки

Мы ели сладкие куски...

Открытым взломом, без ключа,

Навзрыд об ужасах крича,

Мы вскрыть хотим подвал чумной -

Рискуя даже головой.

И трезво, а не сгоряча

Мы рубим прошлое с плеча, -

Но бьем расслабленной ругой,

Холодной, дряблой - никакой.

Приятно сбросить гору с плеч -

И все на божий суд извлечь,

И руку выпростать, дрожа,

И показать - в ней нет ножа, -

Не опасаясь, что картечь

И безоружных будет сечь.

Но нас, железных, точит ржа -

И психология ужа...

А рядом случаи летают, словно пули, -

Шальные, запоздалые, слепые на излете, -

Одни под них подставиться рискнули -

И сразу: кто - в могиле, кто - в почете.

А мы - так не заметили

И просто увернулись, -

Нарочно по примете ли -

На правую споткнулись.

In "The Song about Chances", Vladimir Vysotsky uses metaphors to depict human life, filled with missed opportunities, fears, and unfulfilled desires.

Indifference and Routine: He begins by describing a gray daily existence where people live "as if", oblivious to their surroundings. Train whistles and ship horns - symbols of change and opportunity - no longer move them.

Superficiality and Fear: The author then contrasts these with the "others" who strive for knowledge, but their search is limited, like beetles and minnows. They are afraid to delve into the depths of life.

Chance and Fate: "Chances", likened to bullets, represent sudden twists of fate. Some take risks and achieve success or face ruin, while others, like the lyrical hero, prefer stability and inaction, even if it means stagnation.

Unjustified Caution: Vysotsky bitterly notes that people limit their own freedom, preferring to "tie their shoelaces" instead of seizing the moment. Their aspirations for a "brighter future" drown in calculations and plans, postponing the present for later.

Illusions and Disappointments: In the following stanzas, we see how the heroes try to reach "heights" - perhaps fame, recognition, or spiritual enlightenment. But their flight turns out to be just a drunken stupor, and the "sweet morsels" - self-deception.

Impotence and Apathy: Even when trying to confront the past ("we chop off the past from our shoulders"), the heroes do not show real determination. Their actions lack strength and passion ("with a relaxed hand, cold, decrepit").

Fear and Submission: At the end of the song, Vysotsky returns to the image of "chances", emphasizing fatalism and fear of the unknown. People prefer not to take risks, hiding behind excuses and fearing responsibility ("there is no knife in it"). "The psychology of horror" is the root of their inaction, fettering any impulses for change.

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