The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Snitch Song" (Pesnya pro stukacha) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Not everyone could enter our tight circle,

And one day - a cursed date! -

He brought him along and said,

"He's with me, pour him a drink, guys."

He brought him along and said,

"He's with me, pour him a drink, guys."

He drank like everyone else, and seemed glad,

And we? - We welcomed him like a brother!

But the next day he betrayed us all,

I was wrong, forgive me, guys!

But the next day he betrayed us all,

I was wrong, forgive me, guys!

I don't remember the trial, I was unwell,

Then - the barracks, cold as a grave,

It seemed to me: solid night all around,

Especially since it was actually so.

It seemed to me: solid night all around,

Especially since it was actually so.

I will save at least the rest of my strength,

He thinks there is no turning back from here,

He buried us too early,

He was wrong, believe me, guys!

He buried us too early,

He was wrong, believe me, guys!

And the day will come - the night won't last forever!

I will ask, when the reckoning comes,

"It was I who brought him then,

So give him to me, guys!"

"It was I who brought him then,

So give him to me, guys!"

В наш тесный круг не каждый попадал

И я однажды - проклятая дата!

Его привёл с собою и сказал

"Со мною он, нальём ему, ребята"

Его привёл с собою и сказал

"Со мною он, нальём ему, ребята"

Он пил, как все, и был как будто рад

А мы? - его мы встретили как брата!

А он назавтра продал всех подряд

Ошибся я, простите мне, ребята!

А он назавтра продал всех подряд

Ошибся я, простите мне, ребята!

Суда не помню, было мне невмочь

Потом - барак, холодный, как могила

Казалось мне: кругом сплошная ночь

Тем более, что так оно и было

Казалось мне: кругом сплошная ночь

Тем более, что так оно и было

Я сохраню хотя б остаток сил

Он думает, отсюда нет возврата

Он слишком рано нас похоронил

Ошибся он, поверьте мне, ребята!

Он слишком рано нас похоронил

Ошибся он, поверьте мне, ребята!

И день наступит - ночь не на года!

Я попрошу, когда придёт расплата

"Ведь это я привёл его тогда

И вы его отдайте мне, ребята!"

"Ведь это я привёл его тогда

И вы его отдайте мне, ребята!"

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "The Song about the Snitch" paints a tragic picture of betrayal, pain, and thirst for justice. The lyrical hero, from whose perspective the story is told, unwittingly brought into his close circle of "friends" a man who turned out to be an informer.

At first, everything seemed normal: the new acquaintance drank with them as an equal, was accepted as a brother. But the very next day, the hero, and with him his entire "close circle", were betrayed.

The tragedy of the situation is compounded by the fact that the hero blames himself for what happened: "I was mistaken, forgive me, guys!". The trial, and then the camp barracks, became the price for his mistake. The description of the camp as "cold as a grave", where "continuous night" reigns, conveys an atmosphere of hopelessness and despair.

However, even in this hopelessness, a glimmer of hope flickers: "I will save at least the rest of my strength... He buried us too soon - he was mistaken, believe me, guys!". The hero believes that justice will prevail, that "the day will come - the night is not for years!". And then he himself will demand retribution for the traitor whom he once brought into his circle: "After all, it was I who brought him then - and you give him to me, guys!".

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