The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Snowflake Song" (Pesnya Snejina) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Here's the obituary, just an excuse,

It explained my fatal outcome

Simply: he died, he kicked the bucket, -

It's the same as fire and ice...

And then everyone will understand who they lost,

And will condemn her - for sure -

They will say: "How he loved! And she..." - and so on.

Here is the reason: "Mumu" and a slap in the face.

It will be so - courts and caravans

Will roar about the mournful news,

And captains will drink from grief,

And the whole North will become more severe.

And then everyone will understand who they lost,

And will condemn her - for sure -

They will say: "How he loved! And she..." - and so on.

Here is the reason: "Mumu" and a slap in the face.

And sailors, tightly gripping the steering wheels

And cursing fate cruelly,

Will cease to hope for trawls:

How can there be herring - I'm not here!

And then everyone will understand who they lost,

And will condemn her - for sure -

They will say: "How he loved! And she..." - and so on.

Here is the reason: "Mumu" and a slap in the face.

Вот некролог, словно отговорка,

Объяснил смертельный мой исход

Просто: он - помер, он - поморка, -

Это то же, что огонь и лед...

И тогда все поймут, кого потеряли,

И осудят ее - это точно, -

Скажут: "Как он любил! А она..." - и так далее.

Вот причина: "Муму" и пощечина.

Будет так - суда и караваны

Проревут про траурную весть,

И запьют от горя капитаны,

И суровей станет Север весь.

И тогда все поймут, кого потеряли,

И осудят ее - это точно, -

Скажут: "Как он любил! А она..." - и так далее.

Вот причина: "Муму" и пощечина.

И матросы, крепко зажав штурвалы

И судьбу жестоко матеря,

Перестанут уповать на тралы:

Разве тут до сельди - нет меня!

И тогда все поймут, кого потеряли,

И осудят ее - это точно, -

Скажут: "Как он любил! А она..." - и так далее.

Вот причина: "Муму" и пощечина.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Snowflake's Song", the protagonist, Snowflake, reflects on his impending death and its aftermath. The lyrics are filled with bitter irony and sarcasm, revealing a true tragedy of unrequited love and misunderstood feelings.

Snowflake uses metaphors to convey the absurdity of his death and the reaction of those around him. "Obituary, like an excuse", "fire and ice" – all emphasize the senselessness and tragedy of the situation. The hero's death is presented as something banal, which further enhances the drama.

The key image is the comparison to "Mumu" and "a slap in the face." This is a direct reference to Turgenev's story, where the mistress orders the drowning of the mute janitor Gerasim's beloved dog. In the context of the song, "Mumu" symbolizes Snowflake's love, and "a slap in the face" represents the cruelty and indifference of his beloved, which led to his demise.

Snowflake anticipates the reaction of others: "everyone will understand whom they have lost", "they will condemn her", "they will say: 'How he loved her! And she...'". These lines resonate with bitter irony. The hero realizes that after his death, everyone will mourn insincerely, condemning his beloved, but no one will understand the true reasons for the tragedy.

The images of captains, sailors, and trawls create an atmosphere of the harsh North, emphasizing the scale of the hero's experiences. Snowflake's death is not just a personal drama, it affects the whole world around him, making it "harsher."

In the final verse, Snowflake bitterly states that even in his absence, life will go on: the sailors will continue to fish, forgetting about him. This reinforces the feeling of loneliness and misunderstanding that haunted the hero during his lifetime.

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