The meaning of the lyrics of the song "'Song about physicists' translates to:Song of the Physicists Let me know if you'd like me to translate an entire song about physicists. I can help you with that!" (Pesnya pro fizikov) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

We feel it, my partner and I - wow!

Our legs are like cotton wool, everything is in smoke

We feel, we need rest

Something's wrong in the air

We took "Zhigulevskoye" and "Dubnyak"

We invited the stoker as the third

We drank, added a few more times

Then the stoker opened our eyes

About a terrible story

About Moscow and Paris

How our physicists lost a bet

To their physicists

Now everything on the globe is topsy-turvy

Upside down, awry:

What we think is day is night

And what we think is night is day

And they cut dates with shovels

And in Sahara, the snow is impassable

It's the physicists, the scoundrels, on a bet

They untwisted the globe

Where the pole was - there are tropics

And where New York is - Nakhichevan

And that we are people, not dogs

They don't give a damn about it

The stoker finished that story

I feel my partner literally wilted:

"If that's the case," he says, "to hell with it!

We won't go painting anymore!"

We got a sick leave from the clinic

Don't bother us with work anymore!

What kind of work is it if it's day at night

And then again - not day, but night?

After all, with all the qualifications

A skew is possible here

This, brothers, is radiation

And not just - copper sulfate!

For the fifth week I haven't slept with my wife

For the fifth week I've been sick

And my partner is also crying

Saying he's completely poisoned

And I'm treating myself with "Stolichnaya"

So as not to go completely crazy

The stoker said: "Stolichnaya"

Is very good for strontium!

And it's unbelievable, unbelievable

That trouble passes us by

And the globe is spinning and spinning

But all the time - in the wrong direction

Чувствуем с напарником - ну и ну!

Ноги прямо ватные, всё в дыму

Чувствуем, нуждаемся в отдыхе

Что-то нехорошее в воздухе

Взяли "Жигулёвского" и "Дубняка"

Третьим пригласили истопника

Выпили, добавили ещё раза

Тут нам истопник и раскрыл глаза

Про ужасную историю

Про Москву и про Париж

Как наши физики проспорили

Ихним физикам пари

Всё теперь на шарике вкось и вскочь

Шиворот-навыворот, набекрень:

‹А› что мы с вами думаем - день, то - ночь

А что мы с вами думаем - ночь, то - день

И рубают финики лопари

А в Сахаре снегу невпроворот

Это гады-физики на пари

Раскрутили шарик наоборот

Где полюс был - там тропики

А где Нью-Йорк - Нахичевань

А что мы с вами люди, а не бобики

Им на это начихать

Кончил ту историю истопник

Чувствую, напарник буквально сник:

"Раз такое дело, - ‹говорит он›, - гори огнём!

Больше мы малярничать не пойдём!"

Взяли в полуклинике булютень

Больше нас работою не морочь!

‹Ну› что тут за работа, если ночью - день

А потом опять - не день, а ночь?

Ведь при всей квалификации

Здесь возможен перекос

‹Ведь› это ж, братцы, радиация

А не просто - купорос!

Пятую неделю я не сплю с женой

Пятую неделю я хожу больной

‹И› тоже и напарничек мой плачется

Дескать, он отравленный начисто

И лечусь "Столичною" лично я

Чтоб совсем с ума не стронуться

Истопник сказал: "Столичная"

Очень хороша от стронция!

И не верится, не верится

Что минует нас беда

А шарик крутится да вертится

Да‹к› всё время - не туда

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Song about Physicists," the songwriter satirizes a pseudo-scientific perception of the world based on rumors and speculation.

The main characters, a couple of house painters, hear a "terrible story" from a boiler room worker about how Soviet and French physicists had an argument and "spun the Earth the wrong way." This absurd story, told with feigned seriousness, becomes an explanation for all the troubles and misfortunes in the lives of the painters: day turns into night, geographic poles are reversed, and snow falls in the Sahara.

The humorous effect is achieved through a sharp contrast between the "scientific" nature of the explanations and their absurdity. The boiler room worker, posing as an expert in physics, actually demonstrates complete ignorance and a tendency towards conspiracy theories.

The house painters, easily suggestible, take the tall tale seriously. They see it as a threat to their health and even family well-being. The fear of "radiation" and "strontium" makes them refuse to work and feign illness.

Thus, the song ridicules ignorance, gullibility, and the tendency to see hidden meaning where there is none.

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