The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Song about the Devil" (Pesnya pro chyorta) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

From loneliness I'm on a spree -

At night I hear voices call...

I hear - suddenly my patronym rings out to me -

I looked - the devil, what a miracle is this!

The devil made faces and winked at me,

And I said softly to him:

"Brother, I've been drinking cognac, that's how it is!

Well, you, probably, drink denatured alcohol...

Listen, devil-devil-imp-little devil,

Sit with me - I'll be very glad...

Don't tell me, devil take it, you're a coward?!

Get off my shoulder, or I'll cross myself!"

The devil said that he knows Borisov -

He's our building manager, a drunkard too -

The devil ate bread with gusto,

Didn't hesitate to join in with cognac.

The cognac ran out - no problem,

We'll go to the three stations and get some more.

I was tired, my devil went to the stations himself...

I wake up - the devil again - I'm afraid:

Either he appeared to me anew,

Or it's me who seems to be there to him.

The devil swore, and then

Tried to kiss me, wagging his tail.

I laughed at him until I ached

And asked: "How is it in your hell,

The attitude to our alcoholics -

They say they're fried in alcohol there?"

The devil swore again and said:

"There, too, the wrong comrade rules the ball!"

...It's all over, it's gotten lighter in the room -

I wanted to give the devil a pick-me-up,

But the devil dissolved like in a whirlpool...

I'm still waiting for him to come back...

I'm not exactly crazy, you see,

But better with the devil than alone with me.

У меня запой от одиночества -

По ночам я слышу голоса...

Слышу - вдруг зовут меня по отчеству, -

Глянул - черт, - вот это чудеса!

Черт мне корчил рожи и моргал,

А я ему тихонечко сказал:

"Я, брат, коньяком напился вот уж как!

Ну, ты, наверно, пьешь денатурат...

Слушай, черт-чертяка-чертик-чертушка,

Сядь со мной - я очень буду рад...

Да неужели, черт возьми, ты трус?!

Слезь с плеча, а то перекрещусь!"

Черт сказал, что он знаком с Борисовым -

Это наш запойный управдом, -

Черт за обе щеки хлеб уписывал,

Брезговать не стал и коньяком.

Кончился коньяк - не пропадем, -

Съездим к трем вокзалам и возьмем.

Я устал, к вокзалам черт мой съездил сам...

Просыпаюсь - снова черт, - боюсь:

Или он по новой мне пригрезился,

Или это я ему кажусь.

Черт ругнулся матом, а потом

Целоваться лез, вилял хвостом.

Насмеялся я над ним до коликов

И спросил: "Как там у вас в аду

Отношение к нашим алкоголикам -

Говорят, их жарят на спирту?"

Черт опять ругнулся и сказал:

"И там не тот товарищ правит бал!"

...Все кончилось, светлее стало в комнате, -

Черта я хотел опохмелять,

Но растворился черт как будто в омуте...

Я все жду - когда придет опять...

Я не то чтоб чокнутый какой,

Но лучше - с чертом, чем с самим собой.

Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Song about the Devil" uses allegory to depict the severe state of alcohol addiction. The lyrical hero is so lonely and immersed in his binge that he starts seeing the devil.

It is crucial to understand that the devil in this case is not a literal embodiment of evil, but a metaphor for the hero's inner demon, his addiction. This is evidenced by several details:

The devil appears due to loneliness and binge drinking, becoming a product of the hero's condition.

The devil shares alcohol with the hero, becoming a sort of "drinking buddy" and personifying the destructive passion.

The devil knows Boris, the building manager, who likely also abuses alcohol. This indicates the prevalence of the problem and the perceived "normality" of drinking in the hero's mind.

Ultimately, the devil dissolves when the hero sees the "light," which could signify a glimpse of sobriety or enlightenment.

Therefore, the song speaks about how alcoholism destroys a person, turning them into a hostage of their own demons. The hero prefers the company of the devil, representing his addiction, to his own, highlighting the depth of his downfall. The final phrase leaves the question open: will the hero overcome his addiction, or will the devil return again?

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