The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Now I won't be free from peace." (Teper ya ne izbavlyus ot pokoya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

They light candles for me every night,

And your image is wreathed in smoke,

And I don't want to know that time heals,

That everything passes with it.

I will no longer be rid of peace,

Because everything that was in my soul for a year ahead,

Without knowing, she took it with her

First to the port, and then to the plane.

They light candles for me every night,

And your image is wreathed in smoke,

And I don't want to know that time heals,

That everything passes with it.

In my soul - a desolate desert.

Why are you standing over my empty soul!

Scraps of songs and cobwebs there,

And she took everything else with her.

Now the evening lights candles for me,

And your image is wreathed in smoke,

And I don't want to know that time heals,

That everything passes with it.

In my soul - all goals without a road,

Delve into it - and you will find only

Two half-phrases, half-dialogues,

And the rest - France, Paris...

And let the evening light candles for me,

And your image is wreathed in smoke,

But I don't want to know that time heals,

That everything passes with it.

Мне каждый вечер зажигают свечи,

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит,

Что всё проходит вместе с ним.

Я больше не избавлюсь от покоя,

Ведь всё, что было на душе на год вперёд,

Не ведая, она взяла с собою

Сначала в порт, а после — в самолёт.

Мне каждый вечер зажигают свечи,

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит,

Что всё проходит вместе с ним.

В душе моей — пустынная пустыня.

Ну что стоите над пустой моей душой!

Обрывки песен там и паутина,

А остальное всё она взяла с собой.

Теперь мне вечер зажигает свечи,

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит,

Что всё проходит вместе с ним.

В душе моей — всё цели без дороги,

Поройтесь в ней — и вы найдёте лишь

Две полуфразы, полудиалоги,

А остальное — Франция, Париж...

И пусть мне вечер зажигает свечи,

И образ твой окуривает дым,

Но не хочу я знать, что время лечит,

Что всё проходит вместе с ним.

In Vladimir Vysotsky's song "Now I Will Not Be Rid of Peace," the lyrical hero experiences acute pain and loss from the departure of his beloved woman. The text is permeated with a sense of irreparable loss and despair.

The recurring lines "Every evening candles are lit for me, and your image is shrouded in smoke" create an atmosphere of mourning and a ritual of farewell. The hero clings to the image of his beloved, unwilling to come to terms with the reality of her absence ("And I don't want to know that time heals, that everything passes with it").

The departure of his beloved is likened to theft – she "took with her" everything that was dear to the hero: peace of mind, plans for the future, even the soul itself, leaving behind only emptiness ("a deserted desert") and fragments of memories ("scraps of songs and cobwebs there").

The image of "France, Paris" in the finale of the song is multifaceted. On the one hand, it may be the place where the beloved went, which reinforces the feeling of unattainability and the irreversibility of loss. On the other hand, "France, Paris" can symbolize unfulfilled dreams of shared happiness, now seeming so distant and unreal.

The repetition of the lines "And I don't want to know that time heals, that everything passes with it" at the end of each verse emphasizes the hero's unwillingness to let go of the past and come to terms with the loss. He is left alone with his pain, refusing to believe in the possibility of healing.

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