The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I will no longer be rid of peace." (Ya bolsche ne izbavlyus ot pokoya) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

Every evening candles are lit for me,

And smoke envelops your image in haze,

And I don't want to know that time heals,

That everything passes with it, they say.

I will no longer be rid of this peace,

For everything my soul held for a year ahead,

Unaware, she took with her, you see,

First to the port, and then onto the plane instead.

Every evening candles are lit for me,

And smoke envelops your image in haze,

And I don't want to know that time heals,

That everything passes with it, they say.

In my soul, a desolate desert lies bare,

Why hover over my empty soul, I pray!

Song snippets and cobwebs linger there,

She took all else with her, far away.

Now every evening lights candles for me,

And smoke envelops your image in haze,

And I don't want to know that time heals,

That everything passes with it, they say.

In my soul, all goals lack a path to tread,

Delve into it—you'll find only this plight:

Two half-phrases, dialogues half-said,

The rest is France, it's Paris, shining bright...

And let the evening light candles for me,

And smoke envelop your image in haze,

But I don't want to know that time heals,

That everything passes with it, they say.

Мне каждый вечер зажигают свечи,

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит,

Что всё проходит вместе с ним.

Я больше не избавлюсь от покоя,

Ведь всё, что было на душе на год вперёд,

Не ведая, она взяла с собою

Сначала в порт, а после — в самолёт.

Мне каждый вечер зажигают свечи,

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит,

Что всё проходит вместе с ним.

В душе моей — пустынная пустыня.

Ну что стоите над пустой моей душой!

Обрывки песен там и паутина,

А остальное всё она взяла с собой.

Теперь мне вечер зажигает свечи,

И образ твой окуривает дым,

И не хочу я знать, что время лечит,

Что всё проходит вместе с ним.

В душе моей — всё цели без дороги,

Поройтесь в ней — и вы найдёте лишь

Две полуфразы, полудиалоги,

А остальное — Франция, Париж...

И пусть мне вечер зажигает свечи,

И образ твой окуривает дым,

Но не хочу я знать, что время лечит,

Что всё проходит вместе с ним.

In the song "I Will No Longer Be Rid of Peace," Vladimir Vysotsky speaks of the unbearable pain of loss and the impossibility of forgetting his beloved woman. The lyrical hero is experiencing the departure of his beloved, who left, taking his peace of mind with her and leaving emptiness in his soul.

The repeating refrain "Every evening they light candles for me, and your image is shrouded in smoke" creates an atmosphere of mourning and grief. The hero clings to the memory of his beloved, to rituals that remind him of her, and refuses to believe that time can heal wounds: "And I don't want to know that time heals, that everything passes with it."

The image of the desert in the line "In my soul there is a desolate desert" conveys the depth of despair and emptiness. The hero feels lonely and lost. Only "scraps of songs and cobwebs" remain - pitiful remnants of past happiness.

The mention of France and Paris in the last stanzas can be interpreted in different ways. Perhaps this is the place where the beloved went, or maybe it is a symbol of unattainable happiness and unfulfilled hopes.

The main idea of the song is the impossibility of living without love and the hero's refusal to accept loss. He is doomed to eternal suffering and remains faithful to his love, despite the impossibility of being together.

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