The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I'm not in the swing of things yet, haven't settled into the role." (Ya esche ne v ugare, ne vtisnulsya v rol) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I'm not in a frenzy yet,

Haven't settled into the role.

How will you know in the hangar,

Who's the slave, who's the king,

Who's stronger, who's weaker, who's bad, who's good,

Who will harass whom,

Torture, crush:

Will the plane take flight

Or the other way around? -

On the ground, the machine pretends to be a saint.

Tomorrow I'll test

My fate, but for now -

I'm caressing the machine's

Steep sides.

We are equal on the ground, but are we equal in flight?

Under my hand, I won't hide,

A chill runs through me, -

I'm not building illusions -

I'm an old rider:

The plane - an untamed devil in the flesh.

I know, the morning will give me strength,

And my steed - he's good even now, -

He's deciding: should he - should he not

Work for us under duress.

You, on the other hand, are familiar to me from blueprints,

Like from swaddling clothes,

You didn't know aerobatics -

You went straight ahead,

You sailed under the "Secret" stamp on the waves of science.

The General Designer

Indulged you -

And you got out of hand

In the design bureau, in the quality control, -

But today you've fallen into the hands of a test pilot!

They'll be tougher here, -

You'll have to pay now,

And it's better - without unnecessary losses:

Losses aren't very pleasant in our business.

You've had your fun

To the very end,

But I've also looped

On those like you, -

So it's a sin for both of us to back down.

Sometimes distrust gnaws at me:

What if the machine doesn't give me everything,

What if it goes on strike, doesn't want

To work for us under duress!

Я еще не в угаре,

не втиснулся в роль.

Как узнаешь в ангаре,

кто - раб, кто - король,

Кто сильней, кто слабей, кто плохой, кто хороший,

Кто кого допечет,

допытает, дожмет:

Летуна самолет

или наоборот? -

На земле притворилась машина - святошей.

Завтра я испытаю

судьбу, а пока -

Я машине ласкаю

крутые бока.

На земле мы равны, но равны ли в полете?

Под рукою, не скрою,

ко мне холодок,-

Я иллюзий не строю -

я старый ездок:

Самолет - необъезженный дьявол во плоти.

Знаю, утро мне силы утроит,

Ну а конь мой - хорош и сейчас,-

Вот решает он: стоит - не стоит

Из-под палки работать на нас.

Ты же мне с чертежей,

как с пеленок, знаком,

Ты не знал виражей -

шел и шел прямиком,

Плыл под грифом "Секретно" по волнам науки.

Генеральный конструктор

тебе потакал -

И отбился от рук ты

в КБ, в ОТК,-

Но сегодня попал к испытателю в руки!

Здесь возьмутся покруче,-

придется теперь

Расплатиться, и лучше -

без лишних потерь:

В нашем деле потери не очень приятны.

Ты свое отгулял

до последней черты,

Но и я попетлял

на таких вот, как ты,-

Так что грех нам обоим идти на попятный.

Иногда недоверие точит:

Вдруг не все мне машина отдаст,

Вдруг она засбоит, не захочет

Из-под палки работать на нас!

In his poem "I'm Not Yet Caught Up", Vladimir Vysotsky explores the theme of confrontation between man and machine, specifically a test pilot and an airplane. The lyrical hero, an experienced test pilot, prepares for a new flight on a yet untested aircraft. He's aware of the gravity and danger of the upcoming test, as it's not only his life that hangs in the balance, but also the fate of the plane, embodying immense effort and hope.

The opening stanzas delve into the complex relationship between man and technology. On the ground, the machine appears obedient and safe, but everything changes in the air. The pilot compares the plane to an unbroken devil, emphasizing its power and unpredictability. The question arises: who will bend whom to their will – man or machine? Who will prove stronger in this duel?

Furthermore, Vysotsky draws a parallel between the aircraft's creators and the test pilot. Designers, engineers, workers – they all poured their hearts into creating this machine. The plane has come a long way from blueprints to hangar, "sailed under the label 'Secret' on the waves of science." But its true test lies ahead, in the hands of a skilled pilot.

Tension builds in the final stanzas. The hero doesn't hide his anxiety, doubts, even fear. He understands that utmost composure, skill, and composure are required of him. After all, any mistake could be fatal. He confesses: "Sometimes mistrust gnaws at me: / What if the machine doesn't give me its all..."

Vysotsky's poem is not merely a story about the daily life of a test pilot. It's a philosophical reflection on courage, risk, the price of progress, the complex relationship between humans and technology, and ultimately, who truly holds dominion in this world.

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