The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I will cover all the questions thoroughly." (Ya vse voprosyi osveschu spolna) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I'll cover all the questions in full -

I'll satisfy your curiosity!

Yes, my wife is French -

But she is of Russian origin.

No, I don't have any mistresses now.

Will I have any? I don't intend to yet.

I haven't been drinking for about two years.

Will I drink again? I don't know, I'm not sure.

No, I don't live near "Sokol"...

I haven't made it to Paris yet.

Why are you all beating around the bush -

Ask me directly!

I'll cover all the questions in full -

As if confessing to a priest!

Your notebooks are dripping with drool -

The questions will be about the bedroom, apparently...

Yes, that's right! How red you've become

Interviewer: "Have you cheated on your wives?" -

As if you were peeking behind a curtain

Or were hiding under the bed with a tape recorder.

No, I don't live near "Sokol"...

I haven't made it to Paris yet.

Why are you all beating around the bush -

Ask me directly!

Now I will move on to the main thing.

One, who was standing modestly in the corner,

Asked: "What did you mean

In such and such a song and in such and such a line?"

Answer: Aesop did not resurrect in me,

There is no fig in my pocket - don't fuss,-

And what I meant - I wrote,-

Here - I turned my pockets out - see for yourself!

No, I don't live near "Sokol"...

I haven't made it to Paris yet.

Why are you all beating around the bush -

Ask me directly!

Я все вопросы освещу сполна -

Дам любопытству удовлетворенье!

Да, у меня француженка жена -

Но русского она происхожденья.

Нет, у меня сейчас любовниц нет.

А будут ли? Пока что не намерен.

Не пью примерно около двух лет.

Запью ли вновь? Не знаю, не уверен.

Да нет, живу не возле "Сокола"...

В Париж пока что не проник.

Да что вы все вокруг да около -

Да спрашивайте напрямик!

Я все вопросы освещу сполна -

Как на духу попу в исповедальне!

В блокноты ваши капает слюна -

Вопросы будут, видимо, о спальне...

Да, так и есть! Вот густо покраснел

Интервьюер: "Вы изменяли женам?" -

Как будто за портьеру подсмотрел

Иль под кровать залег с магнитофоном.

Да нет, живу не возле "Сокола"...

В Париж пока что не проник.

Да что вы все вокруг да около -

Да спрашивайте напрямик!

Теперь я к основному перейду.

Один, стоявший скромно в уголочке,

Спросил: "А что имели вы в виду

В такой-то песне и в такой-то строчке?"

Ответ: во мне Эзоп не воскресал,

В кармане фиги нет - не суетитесь,-

А что имел в виду - то написал,-

Вот - вывернул карманы - убедитесь!

Да нет, живу не возле "Сокола"...

В Париж пока что не проник.

Да что вы все вокруг да около -

Да спрашивайте напрямик!

In the song "I will cover all the questions in full," Vladimir Vysotsky ironically portrays an interview with annoying journalists obsessed with unearthing spicy details from the artist's personal life.

The text is built on a comical contrast: on the one hand, the lyrical hero declares openness and willingness to answer any questions ("I will cover all the questions in full - Like on my soul to a priest in a confessional!"). On the other hand, most of the questions concern gossip, rumors and speculation that have nothing to do with Vysotsky's work ("Yes, my wife is French - But she is of Russian origin," "No, I don't have any mistresses now," "No, I don't live near 'Sokol'...", "The questions will obviously be about the bedroom...").

The recurring refrain "No, I don't live near 'Sokol'... I haven't made it to Paris yet. Why are you all beating around the bush? Ask me directly!" emphasizes the absurdity of the situation. The hero is tired of the intrusive attention to his person and urges journalists to ask direct questions about his work.

The culmination is the question of the only "modest" journalist who is interested in the meaning of the lines from Vysotsky's song. The hero answers with relief: "The answer is: Aesop did not resurrect in me, There is no fig in my pocket - don't fuss, And what I meant - I wrote, - Here - I turned out my pockets - see for yourself!"

This final chord emphasizes the main idea of the song: the true meaning of creativity is not in gossip and speculation, but in the work itself.

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