The meaning of the lyrics of the song "I don't like" (Ya ne lyublyu) the performer of the song "Vladimir Vysotsky"

I don't like a fatal outcome,

I never get tired of life.

I don't like any season

When I don't sing happy songs.

I don't like cold cynicism,

I don't believe in enthusiasm, and also -

When a stranger reads my letters,

Looking over my shoulder.

I don't like it when it's half way

Or when the conversation is interrupted.

I don't like it when they shoot in the back,

I am also against point-blank shots.

I hate gossip in the form of versions,

Worms of doubt, a needle of honor,

Or - when all the time against the grain,

Or - when iron on glass.

I don't like well-fed confidence,

It is better to let the brakes fail!

It saddens me that the word "honor" is forgotten,

And that in honor there are slander behind the eyes.

When I see broken wings -

There is no pity in me and no surprise.

I don't like violence and powerlessness,

It's just a pity about the crucified Christ.

I don't like myself when I'm cowardly,

It hurts me when the innocent are beaten,

I don't like it when people get into my soul,

Especially when they spit in it.

I don't like playpens and arenas,

A million are exchanged for a ruble on them,

Let there be big changes ahead,

I will never love it.

Я не люблю фатального исхода,

От жизни никогда не устаю.

Я не люблю любое время года,

Когда веселых песен не пою.

Я не люблю холодного цинизма,

В восторженность не верю, и еще -

Когда чужой мои читает письма,

Заглядывая мне через плечо.

Я не люблю, когда наполовину

Или когда прервали разговор.

Я не люблю, когда стреляют в спину,

Я также против выстрелов в упор.

Я ненавижу сплетни в виде версий,

Червей сомненья, почестей иглу,

Или - когда все время против шерсти,

Или - когда железом по стеклу.

Я не люблю уверенности сытой,

Уж лучше пусть откажут тормоза!

Досадно мне, что слово "честь" забыто,

И что в чести наветы за глаза.

Когда я вижу сломанные крылья -

Нет жалости во мне и неспроста.

Я не люблю насилье и бессилье,

Вот только жаль распятого Христа.

Я не люблю себя, когда я трушу,

Обидно мне, когда невинных бьют,

Я не люблю, когда мне лезут в душу,

Тем более, когда в нее плюют.

Я не люблю манежи и арены,

На них мильон меняют по рублю,

Пусть впереди большие перемены,

Я это никогда не полюблю.


Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "I Don't Like" is a manifesto of his life position, a declaration of principles and values that guided him.

Main theme: The author's rejection of everything false, hypocritical, cruel, and unjust. Vysotsky lists what he hates in people and in the world, using vivid, succinct images and metaphors.

Rejection of falsehood: Vysotsky does not accept a life half-lived, interrupted conversations, gossip, hypocrisy ("whispers behind one's back in the name of honor"). He rejects living by someone else's rules, "against the grain", being forced to act against his will.

Thirst for sincerity and freedom: The lyrical hero longs for a real, honest life, where there is no place for fear, betrayal, or violence. He values freedom of expression, the opportunity to live by his own rules, to sing his own songs.

Compassion and pain: Despite the firmness of his convictions, the hero is not indifferent to the pain of others, he empathizes with the "crucified Christ", is offended for the "innocent", and hates his own cowardice.

Rejection of soullessness: Vysotsky criticizes the consumer society, where everything is measured in money ("a million is exchanged for a ruble"). He does not accept arenas and circuses - symbols of falsehood, ostentation, where a person loses his individuality.

The poem is still relevant today, because the problems raised by Vysotsky remain sore points in modern society.

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