The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Lady of the Valley" by the artist "White Lion"

The song "Lady of the Valley" by White Lion is an emotional ballad about loss, grief, and desperate hope. The lyrical hero addresses a mysterious "Lady of the Valley," a mystical figure who he believes holds the power to ease his pain.

The opening lines depict the hero mourning the death of his brother, who was killed in war. His grief is all-consuming: "My heart is filled with pain." He feels alone and lost in his sorrow, his cries unanswered, and attempts to move on ("I step into the light") met with fear.

The image of the "Lady of the Valley" embodies hope for solace and a return to past happiness. The hero pleads with her to bring back his brother and the carefree times when they were "children," "young and strong." The "golden key" on a chain likely symbolizes the key to the Lady's heart, to her compassion, which can relieve him of his pain.

The second part of the song introduces an element of trial and devotion. It turns out that the "Lady of the Valley" guards a certain treasure, accessible only to those who pass her tests. Guided by a "sign," the hero brings the body of his fallen brother to the Lady's feet – the ultimate sacrifice in the name of his plea.

The repeating lines "In the night I cry out Lady of the Valley, For I shall die without your love" emphasize the hero's despair and his belief that only the Lady can save him. Falling to his knees before her symbolizes complete submission and a plea for mercy.

Overall, "Lady of the Valley" is a powerful and emotional reflection on grief, hope, and the desperate search for solace in the face of a higher power.

Lady of the valley

Can you hear me cry

In the stillness of the night

I have lost my brother

In the fights of the war

And my heart has broken down

In the night I cry but no one seems to hear

I step into the light but all I feel is fear

Lady of the valley

Can you bring him back

To the days when we were kids

Once we were together

We stood young and strong

But now it seems so long ago

The golden key is at the end of the chain

How it hurts oh lady free me from this pain

In the night I cry to the lady of the valley

Cause I'll die without the lady of the valley

In the night I call to the lady of the valley

On my knees I fall before the lady of the valley


In the valley lies the treasure

And the lady guards it well

He who bears all the pressure

Is the one to break the spell

There's a sign that I've followed

And it has led me to your seat

I have brought my fallen brother

And I've laid him, yes I've laid him

At your feet

In the night I cry to the lady of the valley

Cause I'll die without the lady of the valley

In the night I cry to the lady of the valley

Cause I'll die without the lady of the valley

In the night I call to the lady of the valley

On my knees I fall before the lady of the valley

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