The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Father of Lies" by the artist "Whitechapel"

The lyrics of the song "Father of Lies" by Whitechapel are a monologue of a lyrical hero who is obviously possessed by a demonic entity. He addresses God with a challenge and blasphemy, asserting his power and independence.

The hero boasts of his atrocities: the murder of innocents and the desecration of the body of the enemy's mother (perhaps a hint at the Virgin Mary). He denies his guilt, claiming that he was doing God's will ("I did everything you asked of me").

Further, the hero proclaims himself "the father of lies", challenging divine authority. He craves power and asks to be "enlightened", to be shown the true face of the "so-called fellowship" (perhaps referring to heaven or angels). The hero sees himself and his kind as "enemies, destroyers of heaven," and humanity is doomed.

The fragments "(Torn apart)" can mean either the torture that the hero is subjected to or his growing power, tearing apart the shackles of reality.

At the end of the song, the hero again addresses the "pro-creator", reminding him of his "prophecy" and predicting the inevitability of destruction.

Tell me all the things you want

I shall prove myself among the wise

I have failed you

Grant my wish I beg of thee

For I have done all the deeds you have asked of me

That whimpering wretched whore who birthed your adversary

I retrieved her head and mutilated every last remain

The blood of the innocent I have spread with no fucking remorse

How dare you interfere my monumental wake

Forever keep these words from my mouth

I will become the father of lies

Holiest of holy, I ensure your crucification

Enlighten me O noble one of your mendacity

Give me the clearest view of your so-called commonwealth

We are your foes, annihilators of the sky

Limb from limb

The rites are carved into your forehead

Limb from limb

Engorged into your psyche

Limb from limb

I smell the decrepit stench of your demise

Limb from limb

Humanity will be destroyed

My pro-creator I have warned thee of my prophecy

Until that day, stand your fucking ground

My pro-creator, stand your fucking ground

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