The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Piosenka Wiosenna" by the artist "Wolna Grupa Bukowina"


In the song "Piosenka Wiosenna" ("Spring Song"), the Polish band Wolna Grupa Bukowina uses vivid imagery of spring to convey a sense of joy, renewal, and zest for life.

The lyrical hero is full of inspiration and ready to sing about his feelings using "all the guitars of the world" and "flutes of the streets." He praises the beauty of nature ("the moon at the crossroads," "sounds," "colors," "the sun"), which awakens after winter hibernation. The image of "lost sounds, colors on the canvases of Wlamnicki" hints that art, like spring, is able to resurrect and give new sensations.

The call "play us, play a winged song" is addressed to spring, which is associated with dance, movement, and carefreeness. The lyrical hero longs to dance "until summer," "endlessly," enjoying every moment of life.

The second part of the song takes on a deeper meaning. The "shimmer" illuminating the writer's hand symbolizes inspiration that bursts out, like a "flock of ravens" flying "out the window." The song is compared to something alive, changeable ("it disappears, then returns"), which indicates its value to the author. The loss of the song for him is tantamount to the loss of a part of himself.

In general, "Piosenka Wiosenna" is a hymn to life, urging us to enjoy every moment, draw inspiration from the beauty of the world around us, and share it with others.

Zagram dla ciebie na każdej gitarze świata,

Na ulic fletach, na nitkach babiego lata.

Wyśpiewam, jak potrafię księżyce na rozstajach.

I wrześnie, i stycznie, i maje,

I zagubione dźwięki, barwy na płótnach Vlamincka,

I słońce wędrujące promienia ścieżynką.

Graj nam, graj pieśni skrzydlata,

Wiosna, taniec nasz niesie po łąkach.

Zatańczymy się w sobie do lata,

Zatańczymy się w siebie bez końca.

A blask, co oświetla me ręce, gdy piszę,

Nabrzmiał potrzebą rozerwania ciszy.

Przez okno wyciekł, pełna go teraz chmara wronia.

Dziobi się w dziobów końcach, a w ogonach ogoni,

A pieśń moja to niknie, to wraca,

I nie wiem, co bym zrobił, gdybym ją utracił

Graj nam, graj pieśni skrzydlata,

Wiosna, taniec nasz niesie po łąkach.

Zatańczymy się w sobie do lata,

Zatańczymy się w siebie bez końca. [x2]

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