The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Maral" by the artist "Ya#351;ru"

The poem "Maral" by Ya#351;ru is a poignant story about grief and loss, told from the perspective of a lyrical hero who witnesses the suffering of a maral (a type of deer).

The text begins by painting a somber atmosphere: night fog, a snow-covered mountain, a dark forest. In this oppressive setting, the cry of the maral pierces through, deeply affecting the hero. He doesn't see the animal, but he feels its pain like an echo resonating within his own soul.

Driven by compassion, the hero sets out to find the source of the cries. Passing through the fog, he reaches the place where the grieving spirit of the maral appears to him, but only for a fleeting moment.

At this point, the veil of mystery lifts, revealing the tragic story of the maral to the hero. Many years ago, in this very forest, hunters killed the maral's offspring before its very eyes. The description of this event is filled with pain and horror: fifteen hunters against a defenseless animal, a cold-blooded murder, gouged-out eyes.

The final lines of the poem amplify the tragedy, transporting us back to the present. The place where the maral once played with its young one has become a symbol of grief: the fawn is dead, the flowers have withered from its blood.

Thus, the poem "Maral" is not merely a story about the death of an animal. It is a metaphor for human cruelty, greed, and the destructive force that leaves only pain and emptiness in its wake. The author urges the reader to contemplate the fragility of life, the need for compassion, and a more caring attitude toward nature.

Karlı dağın etrafında, geceleri bir sis varsa

Karanlıklar ormanında bir Maral durmadan ağlar

Sordum nedir bu işin aslı, nedir bu Maralın derdi?

Ne kendi var ne sureti, ağıtları dağlar beni

Yola düştüm, sis içinde

Vardım sesin geldiği yere

Gözü yaşlı, Maral ruhu

Bir göründü bir yok oldu

Yıllar önce bu ormanda, yavrusuyla gezer iken

Çiçeklerin arasında, yavrusuyla oynar iken

Onbeş avcı yolunu kesmiş,yavrusunu hedef almış

Maralın gözü önünde yavrusunun canını almış

Minik canını, orda vermiş

Güzel gözlerini yolmuş

Arasında oynadığı çiçekler kanıyla solmuş

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