The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Tunç Yürekliler" by the artist "Ya#351;ru"

The poem "Tunç Yürekliler" ("Brave Hearts") by the Turkish author Yaşar glorifies the heroic image of an ancient Turkic warrior. It reflects key aspects of Turkic identity and worldview:

Origin and Militancy: The poem begins by pointing to geographical locations sacred to Turkic history: the Altai and Orkhon. These are the territories where early Turkic states were formed and from where, according to legends, the Turkic peoples began to disperse. The hero of the poem - "a valiant warrior", "a fearless knight" - embodies the militant spirit of the nomads, for whom courage and bravery were the highest virtues. The image of a "wolfish, bronze heart" reinforces the impression of the hero's strength, resilience, and steadfastness.

Loyalty and Sacrifice: The central theme of the poem is the willingness to self-sacrifice in the name of one's homeland and people. The Turkic warrior "will not hesitate to give his life" for his land and ethnicity. This idea of loyalty to one's roots, traditions, and fellow tribesmen permeates Turkic culture.

Belief in Tengri: An important component of the Turkic worldview was the belief in the one God - Tengri, the creator of heaven and earth. The poem emphasizes the antiquity of this faith, rooted in the depths of centuries. Tengri embodied supreme justice and order, and belief in him served as a moral guide for Turkic warriors.

Life After Death: The second part of the poem is devoted to the theme of death and the afterlife. For a Turkic warrior, death is not the end, but a transition to another world, where his spirit "will rush into infinity, to the great Tengri." A life given for the Motherland and sanctified by prayers ensures the hero peace and eternity in the afterlife.

Thus, the poem "Tunç Yürekliler" is a hymn to courage, loyalty, and faith, reflecting the deep layers of Turkic culture and identity.

Sen Altay'dan, Orhun'dan gelen bir yiğitsin

Korkusuz bir bahadır, bir börü, bir tunç yüreksin

Toprağının, budunun için göz kırpmadan can verensin

En karanlık çağlardan beri Tek Tanrı bilensin

Gün geldiğinde, zamanın bittiğinde

Ruhun uçar sonsuza ulu Tanrı'ya

Yurdun için döktüğün kan kutlu toprağa

Ruhun huzur bulur sonsuzlukta dualarla

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