The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Crimea" (Kryim) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

If you were to live with me,

I would try to quit drinking.

I'd definitely quit smoking,

Because you hate the smoke,

You hate my cough, like a sick man's,

And we would have to go to Crimea.

If you were to live with me,

You'd get tired of loving me,

Of kissing and talking

Until the beginning of a long winter -

The one I'm waiting for, and you're not,

And it's very hard to love on loan.

If you were to live with me,

I would stop singing altogether.

You wouldn't be able to stand me,

My nerves, my depression, my swearing,

The endless anger and pain -

And your life would turn into hell.

You won't live with me

Even in the happiest dream,

Even if we suddenly found ourselves completely alone,

Ended up at the very bottom

And stopped counting the days,

Because you have everything.

You're a good friend,


My number is 36,

And there are too many people around,

So many people around,

So many girlfriends around.

Если ты будешь со мною жить,

Я попробую бросить пить.

Однозначно брошу курить,

Потому что тебя бесит дым,

Бесит кашель мой, как у больных,

И нам пришлось бы поехать в Крым.

Если ты будешь со мною жить,

Ты устанешь меня любить,

Целоваться и говорить

До начала долгой зимы –

Той, что я жду, а ты – нет,

И очень сложно любить взаймы.

Если ты будешь со мною жить,

Я совсем перестану петь.

Ты не сможешь меня терпеть,

Мои нервы, депрессии, мат,

Бесконечную злость и боль –

И твоя жизнь превратится в ад.

Ты не будешь со мною жить

Даже в самом счастливом сне,

Даже если бы мы вдруг оказались совсем одни,

Оказались на самом дне

И считать перестали дни,

Потому что у тебя всё есть.

Ты хороший друг,

Потому что

Номер мой – 36,

И слишком много людей вокруг,

Так много людей вокруг,

Так много подруг вокруг.

In the song "Krym" (Crimea), Zemfira paints a poignant portrait of unrequited love, filled with bitterness, introspection, and acceptance. Addressing the object of her affection, the lyrical heroine sketches hypothetical scenarios of their life together, knowing beforehand that they are destined to remain unfulfilled dreams.

Each verse begins with the conditional "If you were to live with me," revealing the heroine's deep desire to be with this person. She is ready for radical changes: to quit drinking and smoking, to overcome her cough (perhaps a metaphor for inner turmoil). The offer to go to Crimea is a symbol of hope for healing, a new start, filled with romance and intimacy.

However, the heroine realizes the illusory nature of her dreams. She understands that her love is unrequited: "You would grow tired of loving me... And it's so hard to love on borrowed time." Zemfira masterfully conveys the feeling of hopelessness when one person's feelings become an unbearable burden for another.

The third verse is the culmination of introspection. The heroine acknowledges her flaws: "nerves, depressions, swearing, endless anger and pain." She understands that her inner world is chaos, capable of destroying the idyll, turning her beloved's life into "hell."

The final lines are a bitter acceptance of reality. "You will not live with me... Because you have everything." The heroine realizes that her feelings are just an episode in the life of another person who has "too many people around." Crimea, a symbol of hope at the beginning of the song, is transformed into a metaphor for unattainable happiness.

"Krym" is a confession of a wounded soul, an honest and poignant story about unrequited love, acceptance, and the search for one's place in a world where there are "too many people around."

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