The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Somersault" (Kuvyirok) the performer of the song "Zemfira"

It's so cold and dark, cold and dark.

It's better for me to lie low, I need to lie low.

Who hid in my head, hid in my head?

I know the movement of the moons, I remember the movement of the eyelids.


Somersault back, somersault.

Yourself in half, across.

Read between the lines, between the lines.

Somersault back, somersault.

I hear voices, voices of the past.

Not the best streak, black streak.

The river flows silently, beats against the banks,

And the clouds are rolling, drunken clouds.


Somersault back, somersault.

Yourself in half, across.

Read between the lines, between the lines.

Somersault back, somersault.

The ceiling is flying, the ceiling.


Так холодно и темно, холодно и темно.

Мне лучше залечь на дно, нужно залечь на дно.

Кто спрятался в голове, спрятался в голове?

Я знаю движенье лун, я помню движения век.


Кувырок назад, кувырок.

Пополам себя, поперёк.

Между строк читай, между строк.

Кувырок назад, кувырок.

Мне слышатся голоса, прошлого голоса.

Не лучшая полоса, чёрная полоса.

Неслышно течёт река, бьётся о берега,

И катятся облака, пьяные облака.


Кувырок назад, кувырок.

Пополам себя, поперёк.

Между строк читай, между строк.

Кувырок назад, кувырок.

Потолок летит, потолок.


In the song "Somersault", Zemfira creates an atmosphere of anxiety, inner struggle and a search for answers.

The first lines: "It's so cold and dark, cold and dark. I'd better lie down, I need to lie down" convey a sense of loss, loneliness, and a desire to hide from the world. The heroine feels vulnerable and seeks refuge.

The question: "Who's hiding in my head, hiding in my head?" indicates an inner conflict, an attempt to understand oneself, to find the cause of one's worries. The phrase "I know the movement of the moons, I remember the movement of the centuries" suggests that the heroine has a deep inner world, perhaps a tendency to reflect and analyze.

The chorus is a key part of the song, reflecting the main idea: "Somersault back, somersault. Half myself, across. Read between the lines, between the lines. Somersault back, somersault." "Somersault" here is a metaphor for dramatic change, a reassessment of values, an attempt to look at oneself and one's life from a different angle. "Half myself, across" - the image of an inner break, a struggle of opposites. "Read between the lines" - a call for deep understanding, a search for hidden meanings.

The second verse continues the theme of inner confrontation: "I hear voices, voices of the past. Not the best streak, black streak." The past does not let go, haunts the heroine, perhaps these are memories, mistakes that she is trying to overcome. The images of "the river flows silently, beating against the banks, and clouds roll, drunken clouds" create a sense of instability, chaos of what is happening.

The repetition of the chorus reinforces the feeling of a cycle, of repeating situations from which the heroine is looking for a way out.

The final phrase "The ceiling is flying, the ceiling" and the final "Somersault" is the culmination of the song. Here the world is turned upside down, familiar boundaries are collapsing, the heroine is ready for radical changes, for a "somersault" into the unknown.

The song "Somersault" is a metaphorical description of a complex inner journey, a search for oneself, one's place in the world, a readiness for change.

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