The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Tea with bagels" (Chay s barankami) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

A drizzling rain was spoiling the whole scene, shivering passersby hurry home,

The eighth route bus went to Kapashara Park, you're walking through the puddles without an umbrella, oh my God.

It just happened, we both got caught in the drizzling rain on a spring evening.

Usually, you can't get two words out of a woman, but with you, we talked about everything.

We walked half the city talking, and streetlights greeted and saw us off.

What a wonderful night we found Tver with you, I saw it this way for the first time.

I walked you to Golovinsky Val, you suddenly said: 'We have arrived.'

What I thought and wished for happened: you invited me in and we entered your home.

We drank tea with bagels and ate cake, and in the morning, you made us the bed.

I didn't tell you that I'm a thief by law. Can thieves kiss girls at all?

And I woke up - there was a note on the table: 'I'll be back at six, leave the keys under the porch.'

You had no idea, kitten, who you let into your house tonight.

The cops showed up and jumped you, and hit you in the face like a pimp would a whore.

You just had to answer for yourself: 'I don't know, he was here and left,' - and that would be the end of it.

But what did you see in me? And in one night, the thief's soul warmed up,

I felt good with you like with no one else, but how could those donkey cops understand?!

You stood in front of the prison all day, and they said they didn't bring me.

Two bags of food parcels and a shadow on your shoulders, they probably bent you to the ground.

You're not obligated to wait ten years for me and you're writing a note that you don't want an abortion.

I'll grow old, but I won't see freedom... Thank you for the tea with bagels and cake!

Чуть моросящий дождик портил весь этюд, продрогшие прохожие спешат домой,

Ушёл на Капашара в парк восьмой маршрут, ты без зонта идёшь по лужам, Боже мой.

Случилось просто так, под моросящий дождь попали оба мы весенним вечерком.

Обычно с женщиной два слова не найдёшь, а вот с тобою говорили обо всём.

За разговорами пол-города прошли, и фонари, встречая, провожали нас.

Какой чудесной ночью Тверь с тобой нашли, ведь я такой её увидел в первый раз.

Я проводил тебя на Головинский вал, ты неожиданно сказала: "Мы пришли."

Случилось то, о чём я думал и желал: ты пригласила в дом и мы к тебе зашли.

Мы пили чай с баранкаи и ели торт, и ты под утро расстелила нам кровать.

Я не сказал тебе, что я - в законе вор. Воров девчонкам разве можно целовать?

А я проснулся - на столе записочка: "Я буду в шесть, ключи оставишь под крыльцом."

Ты даже не догадывалась, кисочка, кого пустила этой ночью к себе в дом.

Менты нагрянули и сели на тебя, и били по лицу, как лярву сутенёр.

тебе бы только лишь ответить за себя: "Не знаю, был-ушёл," - и кончен разговор.

И всё же чем тебе я сердцем подошёл? И за ночь отогрелась у вора душа,

Как ни с одной, с тобой мне было хорошо, но разве им понять, ушатым легашам?!

Перед тюрьмой ты простояла целый день, а там сказали, что меня не привезли.

Две сумки с дачками и за плечами тень тебя, наверное, согнули до земли.

Ты ж не обязана меня десятку ждать и пишешь ксиву, что не хочешь на аборт.

Ведь я состарюсь, только воли не видать... Благодарю за чай с баранками и торт!

Mikhail Krug's song "Tea with Baranki" tells the story of a chance encounter and a brief romance between the lyrical hero, who is a "thief in law," and a girl who is unaware of his criminal past.

The meaning of the text lies in the clash of two worlds: the world of crime, represented by the lyrical hero, and the world of ordinary people, to which the girl belongs.

The hero, accustomed to cruelty and betrayal, is amazed by the purity and sincerity of the feelings he has for the girl. The meeting with her awakens in him a desire for an honest life, as evidenced by the lines: "And yet, what did I touch your heart with? And in one night the thief's soul warmed up".

However, fate decides otherwise. The hero is arrested, and the girl, despite pressure from the police, remains faithful to him. She is ready to wait for him from prison and even have his child, without fear of public condemnation.

The finale of the song is imbued with bitterness and hopelessness. The hero, realizing that he will spend many years in prison, thanks the girl for the moments of happiness given to him: "For I will grow old, but I will not see freedom... Thank you for the tea with baranki and the cake!"

Thus, "Tea with Baranki" is not just a love song, but also a reflection on good and evil, on the possibility of redemption and the fact that even in the darkest corners of the soul a bright feeling can awaken.

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