The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Chaim" (Haim) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

We met once, when I was starving in the zone,

That's when I found my friend and brother, Haim the tailor.

We both suffered and knew little happiness, both driven by need:

He under Article 108, me for breaking into a storeroom. Well, in short, need brought us together.


Haim, my buddy Haim! Haim, my old friend.

Do you remember, old Haim? Our girlfriends?

Remember how the warden chased us through distant zones, but we weren't afraid of him?

There were times we didn't eat with him for days; another would've worried, grieved,

But Haim was cheerful, cracking jokes, singing "Yiddish songs."

He was a cheerful Jew and bore his heavy burden with a carefree smile, proudly.

I was like a starving devil, and he, a people's thief, never lost heart in the zone!


Haim, my buddy Haim! Haim, my old friend.

Do you remember, old Haim? Our girlfriends?

С тобой мы познакомились когда-то, когда ещё я в зоне голодал,

Тогда того приятеля и брата – я Хаима портного отыскал.

Мы оба с ним страдали и счастья мало знали, обоих нас гнала вперед нужда:

Его по 108-ке, меня за взлом каптёрки. Ну, словом, нас хватила с ним нужда.


Хаим, дружок мой Хаим! Хаим, мой старый друг.

Помнишь ли, старый Хаим? Наших с тобой подруг?

Помнишь, как по зонам дальним нас с тобой гонял начальник, только не боялись мы его?

Бывало, мы не кушали с ним сутки; другой бы волновался, горевал,

Но Хаим был весёлым, сыпал шутки и «Иден миц кан кидел» распевал.

Он был еврей весёлый и жребий свой тяжёлый с улыбкою беспечной гордо нёс.

Я был как чёрт голодный, а он вором народным на зоне никогда не вешал нос!


Хаим, дружок мой Хаим! Хаим, мой старый друг.

Помнишь ли, старый Хаим? Наших с тобой подруг?

The song "Khaim" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of a strong male friendship born in the harsh conditions of prison. The lyrical hero recalls his meeting with Khaim, a tailor by profession, at a time when he himself was "starving in the zone." Both heroes are victims of circumstances: Khaim was convicted under Article 108 (most likely for theft of property), and the narrator for stealing from the pantry.

The hardships of prison life, hunger, persecution by the administration – they had to endure all of this together. However, despite the hardships, Khaim retains his optimism and sense of humor, supporting his friend with jokes and the Jewish song "Iden mits kan kidel" ("Another one like me"). His image is the embodiment of love of life and resilience in the face of adversity.

The narrator emphasizes the contrast between himself, "a starving devil," and Khaim, "a people's thief," who "never lost heart." This phrase probably indicates that Khaim was engaged in theft not for profit, but out of need, perhaps even helping other prisoners with his activities.

The song is saturated with nostalgia for the past, for those times when, despite the difficulties, friendship helped to survive. The repeating refrain "Khaim, my friend Khaim! Khaim, my old friend. Do you remember, old Khaim? Our girls with you?" is a kind of cry from the soul, an appeal to a friend with whom, probably, the paths diverged after the release. The image of "girls" here most likely symbolizes common memories, experiences that bind the heroes.

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