The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Far Far Away Kingdom" (Tridevyatoe carstvo) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The old man loudly mumbled: 'Up!' - and Zel disappeared, instantly finding himself unexpectedly far, far away.

What era, what social order? At the forest's edge, a hut stands on one leg, just as Pushkin described. And Zel, with drunken eyes, shouted, stamping his foot on the ground: 'Turn around, hut, this instant, you weren't expecting me!'

And from the hut, in response, came words rarely heard... well, the situation was this: Kalinych and Mishka were inside.

They wouldn't mind a drink for the occasion, found a bucket in the entryway, and drank there all night long. Kalinych had an idea: 'Since these faraway lands truly exist, let's go visit Kashchei, Zel, for a week or two.'

'No way, he doesn't drink - I won't go - though he is immortal, I'll take you to Kashchei - and he'll take us - to the drunk tank!'

And he swore on his own head - something he learned from books - that Kashchei and Baba Yaga devour snot-nosed children.

But then darkness fell upon the house, Baba Yaga tumbled from the stove, and Zel shouted loudly: 'Ma! Yaga, good evening!'

He bowed to her, respectfully kissed her hand. Yaga was taken aback, fell into a trance, weak to such gestures.

And the old woman, chasing moonshine, asked, raising an eyebrow: 'Who are you - you and him - what happened to Mishka?' -

'Yaga, have you lost your mind? We're just poor students!' - 'And I thought you were Kashchei's residents!

He's spying, wants to know the secret of my moonshine, so he can distill hooch with the Serpent himself.'

Kalinych yelled loudly: 'We're going to Kashchei's!' and immediately jumped onto the broomstick, bouncing with all his might.

'Farewell, granny, don't be offended,' - all three flew away. And now the comrades were in Kashchei's dungeon.

Having searched every corner, 'No wine!' Mishka shouted, yes, there's nothing to drink here, alas, only silver and gold!

Старик прошамкал громко: "Ап!" - и Зеля испарился, и вмиг за тридевять земель нежданно очутился.

В какой эпохе, строй какой? У леса на опушке изба стоит с одной ногой,- все, как поведал Пушкин.

И Зеля крикнул с пьяных глаз, оземь ногой ударил: "Вертись, изба, ко мне тотчас,- Меня-то вы не ждали!"

А из избы в ответ слова, какие редко слышим... так, обстановка такова: там был Калиныч с Мишкой.

За встречу выпить бы не прочь,- нашли в сенях бадейку, и пили-ели там всю ночь, Калиныч дал идейку:

"Уж если тридевять земель по правде существуют,- пойдем гостить к Кащею, Зель, недельку иль другую."

"Не - он не пьющий,- не пойду - хотя и долгожитель, я вас к Кащею приведу - а он нас - в вытрезвитель!"

И клялся собственной башкой - о чем узнал из книжек - Кощей жрёт с Бабою Ягой сопливеньких детишек.

Но тут на дом спустилась тьма,- Яга упала с печки,- и Зеля громко крикнул: "Ма! Ягуся, добрый вечер!"

Он ей проделал реверанс, почтенно чмокнул ручку. Яга смутилась, впала в транс,- слаба на эти штучки.

А бабка гнала самогон и, бровь скосив, спросила: "Кто вы такие - ты и он - что Мишку покосило?" -

"Ты что, Яга, с ума сошла?- Мы ж нищие студенты!" - "А я уж думала, что вы - Кащея резиденты!

Шпионит он и хочет знать секрет мово прогона, чтоб самому со Змеем гнать сивуху с самогоном."

Калиныч громко завопил: "К Кащею едем в гости!" и на метлу тотчас вскочил, и прыгал, что есть злости.

"Прощай, бабуся, не взыщи",- все трое улетели. И вот уже товарищи в кощейском подземелье.

Обшарив в поисках углы "Вина нет!"- крикнул Мишка, да, пить здесь нечего, увы,- сребро да золотишко!

The lyrics of Mikhail Krug's song "Tridesyatoe Tsarstvo" (Thirty-tenth Kingdom) do not directly refer to a specific era or social order. The action takes place in a fairytale world where elements of different times and customs intertwine.

On the one hand, there are fairytale characters: Baba Yaga, Koschei the Deathless, and Zmey Gorynych (a three-headed dragon) are mentioned – all these are references to ancient Slavic mythology, to pre-Christian Rus'. The hut on chicken legs, the distance of "thirty times nine lands" – these are also classic fairytale elements not tied to a specific time.

On the other hand, the characters drink самогон (samogon, a strong homemade alcohol), which is unlikely to have existed in ancient Rus', and the hero named Zelya is more likely an image from a later time. Students, Mishka, Kalinych – these are also names characteristic not of a fairytale, but of a more realistic world, closer to our time.

Thus, the lyrics of the song create an atmosphere of fairytale and absurdity, deliberately mixing elements of different eras and customs. This gives the song a humorous tone and allows you to not think about strict historical frameworks, but simply enjoy a funny story.

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