The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Tver" the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Tver slept in the soft twilight, having something to see in its sleep. Oy!

When the day is done, it's no sin to get together and sing a song.


Cherkas with his wife Svetka, the cooper with someone else's brunette, whom Lipon brought back from Germany,

A Japanese man with a pistol, and Telesh with Yasha the Greek, are listening to the album 'Thug-Lemon' over a beer.

A star is falling over Tver, beautiful, with a golden tail. Oy!

Hurry to make a wish — and everyone made their own.

Тверь в мягких сумерках спала, во сне ей было что смотреть. Ой!

Когда закончены дела, не грех собраться и попеть.


Черкасс с женою Светкой, бочтарь с чужой брюнеткой, Её с Германии привёз себе Липон,

Японец с пистолетом, а Телеш с Яшей-греком под пиво слушают альбом "Жиган-лимон".

Над Тверью падает звезда, красиво, с золотым хвостом. Ой!

Спеши желанье загадать — и загадали, кто о чём.

The lyrics of Mikhail Krug's song "Tver" paint a colorful picture of the city's nightlife. Despite the seeming simplicity and artlessness of the description, it hides a deep social subtext.

The first verse immerses us in the atmosphere of a falling asleep city. "Tver slept in the soft twilight" - this line creates a feeling of peace and tranquility. However, the next phrase – "in its sleep, it had something to look at" – hints that something more is hidden behind the outer calmness. Perhaps this is a hint of the city's secret, nocturnal life, full of unexpected encounters and events. The phrase "When the work is done, it's not a sin to get together and sing" leads to the main theme of the song – a description of a company gathered in one of Tver's establishments.

The chorus reveals to us the motley composition of this company, emphasizing its internationality and heterogeneity: "Cherkass with his wife Svetka, a cooper with someone else's brunette, whom Lipon brought himself from Germany, a Japanese man with a pistol, and Teleh with Yasha the Greek are listening to the album 'Zhigan-Lemon' over a beer." Here we see representatives of different social strata and nationalities, united, it would seem, only by place and time. The presence of a "Japanese man with a pistol" adds a touch of anxiety and danger, hinting at possible criminal showdowns. The album "Zhigan-Lemon", which the company listens to, refers to the theme of the criminal song, popular in the 90s, and enhances the feeling of marginality of what is happening.

The second verse, it would seem, returns us to a calm atmosphere: "A star falls over Tver, beautifully, with a golden tail." The image of a shooting star is traditionally associated with hope and the fulfillment of desires. However, the final phrase – "and they made wishes, each about his own" – once again returns us to the thought of the ambiguity and unpredictability of the fates of the heroes of the song.

In general, the lyrics of the song "Tver", although they do not tell a specific story, create a vivid and multifaceted image of a provincial city of the 90s, where a bubbling life with its joys, sorrows, and secrets is hidden behind external calmness.

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