The meaning of the lyrics of the song "A female resident of Tver." (Tverichanka) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

You are my hope and my support, you are my love and my sorrow,

But we will not see each other soon, tomorrow they will take me far away.

In the taiga, the cold wind whistles and the frost rings like a string,

Where even the Lord himself will not find me, that's why my soul hurts so much.

Years will separate us, a hundred versts of off-road,

We will be separated by a river without a ford, on which you will not find a bridge.

They will shackle my hands in bracelets and hang locks on the door,

So that I am separated from you, on the other side of the river.


Ah, Tver girl, my Tver girl, my distant dream.

Ah, Tver girl, my Tver girl, divine beauty.

Ah, Tver girl, my Tver girl, day after night, year after year,

My beloved girl, my soul hurts, and my heart waits.

Ты надежда моя и опора ты любовь моя и печаль

Но увидимся мы не скоро увезут меня завтра в даль.

В тайге ветер холодный свищет и мороз как струна звенит

Где меня сам господь не сыщет потому и душа так болит.

Что с тобой нас разлучат годы бездорожье на сотню верст

Нас разделит река без брода на которой не сыщешь мост.

Закуют мне в браслеты руки и на дверь по навесят замки

Чтобы был я с тобою в разлуке на другой стороне реки.


Ах, тверичанка тверичаночка моя далекая мечта.

Ах, тверичанка тверичаночка божественная красота.

Ах, тверичанка тверичаночка за ночью день за годом год

Моя любимая девчоночка душа болит, а сердце ждет.

Mikhail Krug's song "Tverichanka" tells a story of a lyrical hero's bitter fate, separated from his beloved. The lyrics are imbued with longing and despair caused by the impending separation and the impossibility of being with his beloved girl.

The very first lines "You are my hope and support, you are my love and sorrow" set a contrasting tone for the whole work. The hero simultaneously experiences bright feelings of love and tenderness for the girl, and the oppressive sadness of realizing the imminent separation. The image of "Tverichanka" is a collective image of a Russian woman, personifying loyalty, love and devotion.

The description of the harsh nature "In the taiga, the cold wind whistles, and the frost rings like a string" not only paints a picture of the place where the hero is sent, but also serves as a metaphor for his state of mind. The cold and vastness of the taiga echo the feelings of loneliness and hopelessness experienced by the lyrical hero. The phrase "Where even God himself will not find me" speaks of complete isolation and detachment from the world that awaits the hero.

The reason for the separation is revealed in the lines "They will shackle my hands and hang locks on the door." The hero finds himself imprisoned, which emphasizes the tragedy of the situation. The image of a river without a ford or bridge symbolizes an insurmountable obstacle separating the lovers.

In the chorus "Oh, Tverichanka, my Tverichanka, my distant dream," the repeated address "Tverichanka" sounds like a cry of the soul, filled with pain and hopelessness. Love for a girl is a "distant dream", unattainable in harsh reality. The repetition of "day after night, year after year" emphasizes the agonizing passage of time in separation.

Thus, Mikhail Krug's song "Tverichanka" is a heartfelt story of love, separation and longing, expressed in the traditions of Russian chanson.

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