The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Female student" (Studentka) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The moment you walked by, you captivated me –

I knew then that you had broken my heart forever.

And right in that first instant, forgetting everything else in the world,

I saw only you on the entire planet, loving you madly.


All your braids, all your ribbons, every strand of golden hair. The delicate lace on your blouse, and your cute little turned-up nose.

As soon as spring arrived, I caught you red-handed –

You were walking with that Broker on your arm, smiling sweetly at him.

And I ambushed the two of you, and took everything he had.

He was taking off his rings and giving them to me, while you smoked nonchalantly on the sidelines.


All your braids, all your ribbons, every strand of golden hair. The delicate lace on your blouse, and your cute little turned-up nose.

Soon I'll get a call home, counting my days in the slammer.

Looking at your photo, my cellmate said, "I understand you, man."

Why did you walk by then, why did you captivate me?

I didn't know then that you had broken my heart forever.


All your braids, all your ribbons, every strand of golden hair. The delicate lace on your blouse, and your cute little turned-up nose.

All your braids, all your ribbons, every strand of golden hair. The delicate lace on your blouse, and your cute little turned-up nose.

Как только ты мимо прошла сразу меня пленила –

Я понял тогда, что ты навсегда сердце моё разбила.

И сразу в тот первый миг, забыв обо всём на свете,

Лишь только тебя безумно любя, я видел на всей планете.


Всё косы твои, всё бантики, всё прядь золотых волос. На блузке витые кантики, да милый курносый нос.

Как только пришла весна, с поличным ты мне попалась –

На шпильках своих ты с Маклером шла и мило ему улыбалась.

И я вас двоих припас, и снял с него всё, что было.

Он перстни снимал и мне отдавал, а ты в стороне курила.


Всё косы твои, всё бантики, всё прядь золотых волос. На блузке витые кантики, да милый курносый нос.

Мне скоро звонок домой, на шконке деньки считаю.

На фото твоё, смотря кумовой сказал: «Я тебя понимаю»

Зачем ты тогда прошла, зачем ты меня пленила?

Не знал я тогда, что ты навсегда сердце моё разбила.


Всё косы твои, всё бантики, всё прядь золотых волос. На блузке витые кантики, да милый курносый нос.

Всё косы твои, всё бантики, всё прядь золотых волос. На блузке витые кантики, да милый курносый нос.

This song by Mikhail Krug, "Studentka" (meaning "female student"), tells a story of unrequited love, tinged with prison romance and elements of Russian criminal chanson.

From the first encounter, the lyrical hero is captivated by a girl ("As soon as you walked by, you captivated me"). He idealizes her image, focusing on charming details of her appearance ("braids", "bows", "a strand of golden hair", "a cute snub nose"). However, this idealization is shattered by a harsh reality.

It turns out that the girl does not reciprocate the hero's feelings and is dating another man – a "Makler" (which could be interpreted as a businessman or someone involved in shady dealings). Driven by jealousy and, perhaps, a desire for revenge, the hero resorts to violence ("I took everything he had"). This act highlights the criminal context of the song and the tragic situation of the hero, who, judging by the lyrics, is in prison ("My phone call home is coming soon, counting the days on my bunk").

The image of the "kum" (a close friend in Russian criminal slang) understanding the hero's feelings further emphasizes the atmosphere of the prison world. The final lines convey all the bitterness of unrequited love and regret for the fateful encounter.

The song, through its simple yet powerful lyrics, provides a glimpse into the emotional landscape of the Russian criminal underworld, where love, betrayal, and violence are intertwined. It also highlights the enduring appeal of the chanson genre, which often explores themes of love, loss, and the harsh realities of life on the margins of society.

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