The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Blue dress" (Sinee platice) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Well, like this, waiting for me this evening, you don't sleep and rush the evening call,

But you don't know that our meeting will not happen: I messed up, and they added a year to my sentence.

The hands on the clock met - it struck twelve. You're still waiting, and the longer you wait, the sadder you get.

The tablecloth is starched, there's enough food for me to gorge on for a year, and wine, and napkins, and you wait - you don't sleep.


I imagine all of this in my soul and I know: By the window in a blue dress, sewn by you,

You stand, shedding tears and sighing quietly: 'He promised to come to me, but probably went back home.'

And by morning, resentment will set in your soul: after all, I wrote that you wouldn't go near your wife anymore.

It was sincere - you can even tell by the handwriting! I won't give you to anyone - you're only mine now.

Ну, вот так, ожидая меня в этот вечер, ты не спишь и торопишь вечерний звонок,

Но не знаешь, что наша не сбудется встреча: я сорвался, и на год добавили срок.

На часах стрелки встретились - било двенадцать. Ты всё ждёшь и чем дольше, тем больше грустишь.

Накрахмалена скатерть, еды - мне на год обожраться, и вино, и салфетки, и ты ждёшь - не спишь.


Это всё я в душе представляю и знаю: У окна в синем платьице, сшитом тобой,

Ты стоишь, слёзы льёшь и тихонько вздыхаешь: "Обещал ведь ко мне, а, наверно, вернулся домой".

А к утру на душе затаится обида: ведь писал, что к жене больше ты ни ногой.

Это искренне было - и даже по почерку видно! Всё равно никому не отдам - ты теперь только мой.

The song "Blue Dress" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of a tragic separation between two lovers. The lyrical hero, while imprisoned, addresses his beloved, who is eagerly awaiting their meeting. He vividly imagines her, dressed in a blue dress she made herself, standing by the window, having set the table for his arrival.

Time drags on agonizingly slowly, "the hands on the clock have met - it struck twelve", and he is still not there. He knows that she is "shedding tears and sighing softly", not understanding why he did not come. The tragedy of the situation is compounded by the fact that the hero cannot tell her the true reason for his absence - "I messed up, and they added a year to my sentence".

The hero's words are filled with tenderness and bitterness. He consoles himself with the thought that his feelings are sincere - "you can even tell by my handwriting!". The final lines of the song sound like a vow of fidelity - "I won't give you to anyone anyway - you are only mine now", leaving the listener with a sense of hopelessness and hope for a future reunion.

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