The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Freedom" (Svoboda) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Only he who's stood at the abyss's edge,

Who, blind to danger, stumbled, nearly lost it all,

Will know life's bliss, appreciate what he possessed,

Who, in a moment, sees his world transformed, grows old.

Only he who's howled like a wolf, confined,

Gasping for air, consumed by inner pain, knows fear,

Who's paced for miles, unable to eat or sleep,

Will understand the word "mother," cherish it so dear.


A dim candle flickers in the window, silence reigns,

The wind dances with the streetlamp's glow,

For the sinner, freedom's as vital as air in veins,

It's precious, brothers, like a mother, you should know!

Freedom's a dream for young and old, none wish to die in chains,

The wind carries caravans afar, birds may fall from the skies.

Trees blossom in spring, melting the late snow's remains,

God, grant us hope and patience, for without freedom, man dies…


A dim candle flickers in the window, silence reigns,

The wind dances with the streetlamp's glow,

For the sinner, freedom's as vital as air in veins,

It's precious, brothers, like a mother, you should know!

Лишь тот узнает всё блаженство жизни, кто сам у края пропасти стоял,

Кто как слепой, опасностей не видел, споткнулся, и чуть всё не потерял,

Лишь тот поймёт, запомнит и оценит всё то, что он до этого имел,

Кто за какой-то миг всю жизнь изменит, кто за какой-то день вдруг постарел.

Лишь тот узнает, что такое воля, кто выл по-волчьи в четырёх стенах,

Кто задыхаясь от душевной боли, узнал и понял, что такое страх,

Кто километры взад-вперёд отмерил, кто есть не мог, не мог ночами спать,

Лишь то поймёт, запомнит и оценит, что значит в этой жизни слово "мать".


Тусклой свечкой застыло окно, тишина,

И играет с ночным фонарём вольный ветер,

А на грешным, свобода, как воздух, нужна,

Ведь она, пацаны, как и мать, всех дороже на свете!

Свобода снится молодым и старым, не хочется в неволе умирать,

А ветер вдаль уносит караваны, и птицы могут в небе погибать.

Весною распускаются деревья, растает потихоньку поздний снег,

Ты дай нам Бог, надежды и терпенья, ведь без свободы гибнет человек…


Тусклой свечкой застыло окно, тишина,

И играет с ночным фонарём вольный ветер,

А на грешным, свобода, как воздух, нужна,

Ведь она, пацаны, как и мать, всех дороже на свете!

In his song "Freedom," Mikhail Krug reflects on the value of freedom, comparing it to other essential things in life, such as a mother's love and life itself. He argues that only those who have experienced its absence, who have been on the verge of loss, who have gone through suffering and hardship, can truly appreciate freedom.

In the first verses, the author describes a person who, faced with danger and loss, begins to appreciate what once seemed mundane. He realizes the fragility of life and the importance of every moment. The theme of freedom is revealed through the images of a prisoner who "howled like a wolf within four walls" and knew true fear, as well as through the image of a person who "measured kilometers back and forth," suffering from insomnia and hunger.

These experiences helped the hero of the song to see the world in a new light and understand the true value of freedom and motherly love. The image of a mother who is always there, giving warmth and support, becomes a symbol of unconditional love and support in life.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the importance of freedom for every person, comparing it to air, without which it is impossible to live. The image of the "free wind" playing with the night lamp creates a feeling of freedom and independence.

In the final lines of the song, the author says that freedom is a natural desire of every person, regardless of age. He calls for valuing freedom and fighting for it because "without freedom, a person perishes."

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