The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Rose" (Roza) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

A maiden's heart believed, it will come true, a time of happiness will come in life,

But Rosa didn't think she'd fall head over heels for a young thief!

And not for long did that happiness rest upon velvet, gold, silk, and rubles.

Only a bad feeling in her heart sensed it, a week later they came for him.

And the separation seemed like an eternity to her, Rosa hated the cops,

'They separated us!' - cried her heart, 'They put him away for eight years.'

And she wrote him long letters, Kolyma, Magadan, a distant land.

An old clock measures the hours, and the cuckoo cuckoos - wait.

Her heart skipped a beat, oh, something will happen. Somehow a guy knocked on the window.

She invited the guest from the street into her home, the nice guy brought news from her friend.

He gave her greetings from her beloved, two more years to wait,

Rosa immediately pulled up a chair for the guest, he's a godsend, it's clear to see.

Yes, sit down at the table, don't be shy, have dinner in my house.

If only Rosa knew about the troubles that came to her that evening with the guy.

He ate, and then took a steam bath, the blood began to play in his veins.

And he set his sights on his friend's woman, started feeding her lies about him.

Сердце девичье верило, сбудется, в жизни счастья настанет пора,

Но не думала Роза, что влюбится по уши в молодого вора!

И не долго то счастье покоило бархат, золото, шелк и рубли.

Только сердце недоброе чуяло, на седьмицу за ним и пришли.

И казалась разлука ей вечностью, ненавидела Роза ментов,

"Разлучили!" - кричала сердечная, "Посадили на восемь годков."

И писала она письма длинные, Колыма, Магадан, дальний край.

Время часики мерят старинные, а кукушка кукует - встречай.

Сердце екнуло, ой, что-то сбудется. Как-то парень в окно постучал.

Пригласила домой гостя с улицы, милый весточку с другом прислал.

Передал ей привет от любимого, два годочка осталось скучать,

Роза стул сразу гостю подвинула, есть он Бог по всему и видать.

Да, Вы садитесь за стол, не побрезгуйте, отобедайте в доме моем.

Кабы Розочка знала про беды те, что пришли к ней под вечер с парнем.

Он поел, а потом и попарился, стала кровь в его жилах играть.

И на кореша бабу позарился, про него стал фуфло ей толкать.

The song "Roza" by Mikhail Krug tells a tragic love story of a girl named Roza and a young man who turns out to be a thief.

The song begins with a naive Roza, who believes in imminent happiness. She falls head over heels in love, ignoring the occupation of her chosen one. Her happiness is short-lived: "not for long did happiness rest upon velvet, gold, silk, and rubles" – a hint at her lover's criminal activity.

The idyll collapses when the "cops" come for him. Roza, separated from her beloved, feels hatred for law enforcement and longs for him, considering the separation an eternity. She writes letters to him in prison: "Kolyma, Magadan, a distant land", and time drags on agonizingly slowly.

One day, a stranger knocks on Roza's window, introducing himself as a friend of her lover and conveying greetings from him. He says that "only two years left to miss him", instilling hope in the girl's heart. Kind and trusting, Roza invites him into her house, unaware of his true intentions.

The final lines of the song abruptly end the narrative on an ominous note. The stranger, taking advantage of Roza's hospitality, has "set his sights on his friend's woman", planning to deceive her ("started feeding her lies about him").

Thus, Mikhail Krug's song "Roza" is a story about love, deception, and tragic fate, typical of the Russian chanson genre.

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