The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Early in the morning" (Rannim utrom) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

You wake up every morning, perhaps, with a smile on your face.

I'll say it with an epithet, my dear: you're nothing like Marina Vlady.

And I'm no Vysotsky or Nozhkin, completely unknown in the criminal world.

You once told me, 'My good man, your voice is wild, but lovely.'

I walked in the park on the freshly fallen leaves, as autumn drizzled monotonously.

I sang you those thug songs, you listened and smoked reluctantly.

The guitar gave me inspiration. I sang for all of Otradnoye's dachas.

But, apparently, you got tired of Kalinin, and you ran off in search of your fortune.

I went through some tough times, I fooled around with your friend Lena,

I confided in her as if, but time passed — and I left her.

And Lena cursed me on the phone, saying she loves me, that she's pregnant, and crying.

Where did I get this habit — taking girls from "Yuzhny" to the dacha.

Ты, каждым ранним утром просыпаясь, в улыбке расплываешься, быть может.

Эпитетом скажу я, дорогая: ты на Марину Влади не похожа.

И сам я не Высоцкий и не Ножкин, блатному миру вовсе неизвестен.

Ты мне сказала как-то: "Мой хороший, твой голос необуздан, но прелестен".

Я шёл в горсад по вновь опавшим листьям, и осень монотонно моросила.

Я пел тебе тогда блатные песни, ты слушала и нехотя курила.

Гитара мне давала вдохновенье. Я пел на все Отрадновские дачи.

Но, видно, надоел тебе Калинин, и ты сбежала в поисках удачи.

Я пережил тяжёлые минуты, я огулял твою подружку Лену,

Я с ней разоткровенничал как будто, но время подошло — её покинул.

А Лена мне клялась по телефону, что любит, что беременна, и плачет.

И где я взял себе такую моду — возить девчонок с "Южного" на дачу.

In the song "Early in the Morning," Mikhail Krug depicts a lyrical hero going through a painful breakup.

The lyrics are imbued with bitterness and self-irony. The hero compares himself and his former lover to famous figures: he is no Vysotsky or Nozhkin, and she is no Marina Vlady. These comparisons emphasize the ordinariness of their story, devoid of a romantic halo.

Despite the hero's simplicity, his singing talent was appreciated: "your voice is wild, but charming." The description of the autumn scenery, walks in the garden, and singing of "blatnye" songs creates an atmosphere of nostalgia for past happiness.

The separation was initiated by the beloved, who left Kalinin (now Tver) in search of a better life. The hero, trying to drown his sorrow, spends time with another girl, Lena, but this relationship also turns out to be fleeting and full of drama.

The ending of the song leaves a feeling of bitterness and lack of resolution. The hero repents of his mistakes, but time is lost. The image of "girls from 'Yuzhny'" hints that the hero has not found true love, continuing his search and making the same mistakes.

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