The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Glory to the Green Prosecutor!" (Prokuroru zelyonomu - slava!) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Glory to the green prosecutor! Lekha’s in the city, doing time,

Lekha’s got wine, he’s got chicks, and a big appetite to dine.

But Lekha can’t go outside, and that’s killing him, it’s true…

Smelling the summer’s fresh air, Lekha opened the window one eve…

And the freedom went straight to his head – he decided to go for a stroll,

For show, he dressed up in his best, took his gun, just in case, for a role.

Women loved Lekha like crazy, Lekha had a mischievous spark,

And when they extended his sentence - any one of them would take his mark!

What on earth got into his head? He set his sights on a girl in blue,

Like an SS lady, she walked from the station… What are you doing, Lekha, it’s true!

They’ll catch you, Lekha, and back you’ll go! He thought he’d sweet talk her a while – what a risky, foolish mind! –

And he managed to cloud her mind, spinning yarns about stars, so kind…

He walked the bird home, compliments flowing, clever and free.

She agreed to meet the rascal again – oh, she liked the Astronomer, you see!

All dressed up, she arrived even ten minutes early for their tryst.

Oh, don’t you laugh, for God’s sake, or Lekha will be caught in a twist!

Прокурору зеленому - слава! Леха в городе в бесте сидит,

Есть у Лехи вино, и есть лярвы, и покушать большой аппетит.

Но не можно на улицу Лехе - ну а это ему - как серпом...

Свежесть лета почуя на вздохе, Леха ставни открыл вечерком...

И вскружила свобода немного - он задумал пойти погулять,

Для блезиру прикинулся строго, взял наган, если что, пострелять.

Леху бабы безумно любили, в Лехе был озорной огонек,

И когда ему срок накрутили - с ним любая пошла бы на срок!

Что ему там в башку залетело? девку в форме ментовской засек,

Как эсэсовка шла из отдела... Что ты, Леха! Повяжут - и срок!

Вздумал Леха ее нашампурить - о, рисковая дурья башка! -

И сумел-таки мозги запудрить, ей про звезды задвинул лишка...

Проводил ту ворону до дому, комплименты развесил с умом.

Согласилась на стрелку гулема, - ох, понравился ей Астроном!

Прихиляла она при параде даже раньше на десять минут.

Ой, не смейтесь же вы, Бога ради, а то Леху сейчас заметут!

Mikhail Krug's song "Glory to the Green Prosecutor!" is full of irony and dark humor, narrating the life of a man living "outside the law." Let's analyze the meaning of the lyrics:

1. The Antihero with Charm:

Lekha is a classic image of a romanticized criminal in Krug's work: he is "in hiding," possesses an "appetite" not only for food but also for entertainment (wine, "ladies"). Freedom for him is the highest value, the restriction of which is perceived as the most severe punishment ("like a sickle").

Lekha's Charm: despite his criminal lifestyle, he is described as a man with a "spark," a favorite of women who are ready for anything for him.

2. Reckless Act and its Consequences:

Unreasonable Risk: Lekha, intoxicated by freedom, decides to take a walk, which is tantamount to a feat for him ("dressed up strictly, took a gun").

Fateful Encounter: he meets a girl in a police uniform – a clear symbol of danger and forbidden fruit.

Irony of Fate: instead of hiding, Lekha decides to take a chance, trying to charm the girl ("shampoo her").

3. "The Astronomer's" Success:

An Unexpected Turn: Lekha manages to "brainwash" the girl using his charm and flattery ("talked her ear off about the stars").

The Date: the girl, succumbing to Lekha's charms, agrees to a meeting.

The Finale with a Hint: Lekha got his way, but the ending remains open. The phrase "or else they'll catch Lekha now" is full of irony and implies that this story may end badly for the hero.


The song "Glory to the Green Prosecutor!" is an ironic portrait of life "according to the code," where the hero balances on the edge of risk, charm, and inevitable punishment. Krug does not give assessments; he simply tells a story, leaving the listener to draw their own conclusions.

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