The meaning of the lyrics of the song "About Tanya Sytina and everyone else." (Pro Tanyu Syitinu i vseh ostalnyih) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The Rector coughed into his fist, straining, pretending to command attention.

He clinked the decanter – was it a hangover? Today was no time for cheer!

Students were fraying his nerves like taut strings, that sly dog, the Dean, often mocked his toothache...

Gone were the days of witty banter, recently he'd been blindsided.

Wednesday evening, the phone rang, and an unknown voice on the line informed him

That his student – Tanya Sytina – had tested positive for HIV.

The Rector didn't touch his dinner, didn't even take a fortifying shot of vodka -

How could he not be distraught? He’d slept with Tanya on Trinity Sunday!

He arrived at the institute, a dark cloud – his academic degree brought him no joy now,

He was seized by chills and melancholy, and personally summoned the Head of Department.

The Head, unshaven and shifty-eyed, sighed heavily and said: "Well, looks like we're milk brothers now!"

And so they arranged a meeting – to condemn Tanya's escapades,

To raise the question of expulsion for her, shall we say, behavior.

Everyone both believed and disbelieved it, Tanya was known to be wild – throwing herself at everyone,

Even Flux – the Dean with the bad hip – leered at her cleavage from behind his spectacles.

Ректор кашлял в кулак, крепко тужился, делал вид, что вниманья заслуживал,

Графином бренчал - не с похмелья ли, а?- да, ему нынче не до веселия!

Со студентами - нервы струнами,- флюс - декан его часто подтрунивал...

Что чесать язык - дело прошлое,- а намедни его огорошили.

В среду вечером телефон звонит, и инкогнито в трубку говорит,

Что студентка его - Таня Сытина - тест на СПИД прошла положительно.

Ректор к ужину не притронулся, даже сто грамм не тяпнул для тонуса,-

Ну попробуй тут не расстроиться: они ж спали с Танюхой на Троицу!

В институт пришел - туча черная, уж не в радость и степень ученая,

И хватил его вдруг озноб с хандрой, вызывает сам лично завкафедрой.

У завкафа лицо неопрятное, и глаза под бровями попрятаны,

И сказал он, вздохнув, с многоточием: "Значит, братья с тобой мы молочные!"

И назначили вместе собрание - осудить эти шалости Танины,

Чтоб вопрос ставить об отчислении за ее, так сказать, поведение.

Всем и верилось - и не верилось, Танька ж шла вразнос - ко всем клеилась,

Даже Флюс - декан с больным копчиком из-под линз косил ей под кофточку.

The song "About Tanya Sytina and All the Others" by Mikhail Krug satirizes the hypocrisy and double standards of society, as well as the fear of HIV/AIDS prevalent in the 1990s.

The plot revolves around a false report of a positive HIV test for student Tanya Sytina. Upon learning this, the rector panics, recalling his intimate relationship with Tanya. His fear of the disease overshadows all other thoughts, and he is ready to do anything to hide this fact.

The author ironically describes the rector's reaction, emphasizing his hypocrisy: yesterday he "pretended to deserve attention," and today he is ready to do anything to hide his connection with Tanya.

The image of Tanya Sytina is ambiguous. On the one hand, she is shown as a promiscuous girl ("Tanya was going all out - she stuck to everyone"), on the other – a victim of gossip and condemnation.

The false report of the illness becomes a catalyst that exposes the true faces of people. The head of the department, learning about the rector's "diagnosis", admits to his relationship with Tanya ("So, we are milk brothers with you!"), and the administration of the institute is ready to expel the student without trying to understand the situation.

The song is a satire on social mores, where the fear of illness becomes a tool of manipulation and condemnation. The author calls for reflection on the double standards, hypocrisy, and cruelty that prevail in society.

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