The meaning of the lyrics of the song "After the third stretch." (Posle tretey hodki) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

After the third stretch, damn it, I became nervous, prematurely aged.

All those prisons, shitholes, butting heads with bulls, and chasing drugs with a Magadan fork.

Kincha, Bur - what buddies! Gruel, lockup, tea, wheels - yeah!

Free at home now... Klop, Terli, Andryusha at the door... Come in, you're not bothering us.

What are you chirping about, punk? Larva is my buddy, and

Don't you dare, scum, I know your kind, he'll end up in a cell too.

But the kid stood up for her, snapped at Andryusha: 'You, goat!'

Saying, he's a goner, can't live without a fix, then Milo grabbed a hefty log.

I agree, the kid's naive, setting us up for a show:

Like, let's raid a stash, but his tip is bogus, regretting he even came over.

'Ours are there, sorry, yours are not, Milo means nothing to me' -

That's what Andryusha told the kid and punched him in the ear. He folded like a bicycle.

Yeah, he pedaled away fast, but an hour later he rolled back in.

Ugh, with some collective farm bull: cap askew, cigarette dangling, wants Andryusha to treat him.

Never seen such audacity, Andryusha spat on the floor, stood up.

Andryusha's fists wouldn't fit in a bucket, he didn't tolerate lawlessness.

The bull, of course, chickened out, played the fool.

He crawled into the slop bucket, trying to be slick - under pressure, after questioning our authority!

После третьей ходки, вот беда, нервным стал я и не по годам.

Всё по кичам, шизнякам, да сшибал рога быкам, да Магаданской вилкой по шнифтам.

Кинча, Бур - какие кореша! Шлёнка, шконка, чай, колёса - ша!

На свободе дома уж ... Клоп, Терли, в дверях Андрюша... Заходи, ты нам не помешал.

Чой там чик-чирикаешь на понт? Лярва - это кореш мой и вот

Не криви, паскуда, пасть, знаю я всю вашу масть, в стойло и на шконку он придёт.

Но вступился за неё щегол, на Андрюшу цикнул:" Ты, козёл!"

Мол, покоцены штрихи, жить не сможешь без клюки, да Майло схватил позорный вол.

Я цынкую, фуфелит щегол, нам по фене ставит он прикол:

Мол, на пику залетим, но скидняк его жим-жим, сам уже не рад, что подошёл.

"Наши есть, пардон, а ваших нет, мне Майло -тьфу, не авторитет" -

Так сказал Щеглу Андрюха и заделал ему у ухо. Тот сложился, как велосипед.

Да, педали быстро он крутил, но через час обратно привинтил.

Эх, с ним какой-то бык колхозный: кемель набок папироска, говорит, чтоб Дрюня угостил.

Я таких нахалов не видал, тут Андрюха плюнул на пол, встал.

Кулачищи у Андрюшки не пролазили в кадушку, Дрюня беспредел не допускал.

Бык, конечно, сделал стрекача, в глушаки наделал сикача.

Он в тухляк без мыла лез, фраернулся - так под пресс, коли ты у нас права качал!

The song "After the Third Stretch" by Mikhail Krug tells a story about life after release from prison. The lyrical hero, hardened by the harsh prison experience ("All in prisons, troubles, butting heads with bulls, with a Magadan fork on the snitches"), returns to his familiar environment, filled with familiar realities ("Kincha, Bur - what friends! Balanda, bunk, tea, wheels - sha!").

However, freedom turns out to be deceptive. The hero is still surrounded by crime and forced to live by its laws. A meeting with friends, Klop and Terli, and their unexpected guest Andryusha, leads to a conflict. Lyarva, the hero's friend, insults Andryusha's girlfriend, for which he stands up for her. A tense situation arises, where everyone tests each other for strength, using prison slang and threats ("What are you chirping about? Lyarva is my buddy and that's it...").

A new character appears - Shchegol, trying to settle the conflict, but behaving defiantly and disrespectfully ("We have ours, sorry, but you don't, Milo is nothing to me"). Andryusha, who does not tolerate such an attitude, punishes Shchegol, demonstrating his strength and authority.

Further events describe another conflict, this time with a nameless "bull" - a brazen and stupid guy trying to provoke Andryusha. Again, the theme of strength and authority in the criminal world comes to the fore, where any careless word or action can lead to serious consequences.

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