The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Call me." (Pozvoni mne) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

You called and said: - 'Hello, how is life and how are you?' - 'Yes, as always'.

Who is calling me? I tried to remember in vain. You didn't even give me a reason to remember.

And the voice was so familiar, well, who could it be, as if in a delirium.

'I'm sorry to bother you, is anyone home with you?' 'You know I'm alone'. - 'Well, may I come over?'.


Mishka, Mishka. What happened to me? Forgetful, I stood up like never before,

And today you called and I answered you: - 'Yes'.

Ты позвонила и сказала: - "Здравствуй, как жизнь и как дела?" - "Да как всегда".

Кто мне звонит? Я вспоминал напрасно. Ты даже повод вспомнить не дала.

И голос был ну до того знакомый, ну, кто же может быть, ну как в бреду.

"Мне неудобно, у тебя кто дома?" "Ты знаешь я один". - "Ну, я приду?".


Мишка, Мишка. Что со мной случилось? Забывчив, встал как никогда,

А вот сегодня ты позвонила и я ответил тебе: - "Да".

In Mikhail Krug's song "Call Me", the lyrical hero experiences a turmoil of emotions caused by an unexpected call from his former lover.

The song begins with the hero describing his confusion: he does not recognize the caller's voice, although it seems familiar to him. The phrase "Who is calling me? I tried to remember in vain. You didn't even give me a reason to remember" suggests that the hero did not expect the call and may have long since crossed this woman out of his life. She calls out of the blue, without giving any reason, which further increases his sense of uncertainty.

The hero is surprised and a little confused, as indicated by his question "I'm sorry, is anyone home with you?". Perhaps he does not expect such pressure from her, because she immediately offers to come to him.

The chorus of the song, which begins with the words "Mishka, Mishka. What's wrong with me?", conveys the hero's emotional turmoil. He cannot understand why this call upset him so much, why he forgot her voice. The phrase "Forgetful, I froze like never before" may indicate that the hero was trying to forget this woman, and her call stirred up old feelings.

Overall, the lyrics of the song "Call Me" create an image of a man who is suddenly overtaken by the past. The call from his former lover awakens forgotten emotions in him, making him wonder what would have happened if he had answered the call differently.

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