The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Puppy-style, wolf-style" (Po - schenyachi, po - volchi) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Mother, Mother, forgive me - I've ruined myself, thrown my youth away.

I loved you like a puppy in my childhood, but in your old age, I abandoned you like a wolf.

Where are you, Mother, now? Write back, and I'll repent before you this very day.

My dissolute life flies by aimlessly, I don't live in this world, I merely suffer.

You gave birth to me, and a star fell into the camps, where freedom is unknown.

I'm searching for that star, but I think it's in vain, all these long, long years.

I'll be released, but you won't be there, and then with an irresistible force,

Like a puppy, as in childhood, I'll be drawn to your overgrown grave, Mother.

Like a puppy, as in childhood, I'll be drawn to your overgrown grave, Mother.


Мама, мама, прости - я себя загубил, свою молодость под ноги бросил.

Я, как в детстве, тебя по-щенячьи любил, а под старость по-волчьи забросил.

Где ты, мама, теперь? Напишу - отзовись, пред тобой я хоть ныне покаюсь.

Пролетает бездарно беспутная жизнь, не живу я на свете, а маюсь.

Ты меня родила, и упала звезда в лагеря, где не знают свободы.

Я ищу ту звезду, только думаю - зря, эти долгие, долгие годы.

Выйду я, а на воле не будет тебя, и тогда с неотъемлемой силой

По-щенячьи, как в детстве, потянет меня к твоей мама заросшей могиле.

По-щенячьи, как в детстве, потянет меня к твоей мама заросшей могиле.


In Mikhail Krug's song "Puppy Love, Wolf's Abandonment," the lyrical hero addresses his mother with belated repentance. One can feel his deep pain and realization of his own mistakes, which led to the tragic break between him and his closest person.

Already in the first lines "Mama, mama, forgive me - I have ruined myself, I have thrown my youth away," the motif of recklessness and missed opportunities is heard. The comparison "loved you like a puppy" is touching and naive, conveying all the purity and strength of a child's love. But the hero's life has changed dramatically, and "in old age, I abandoned you like a wolf" paints a terrible picture of indifference, cruelty, and forgetting one's filial duty.

The question "Where are you, mama, now?" is imbued with despair and hopelessness. The hero longs for forgiveness, is ready to repent ("I repent before you even now"), but, obviously, it is too late. The phrase "I do not live in this world, I merely exist" emphasizes his mental anguish; life without the love and support of his mother has lost all meaning.

The tragedy of the situation is compounded by the historical context. The line "to the camps where freedom is unknown" hints at the repressions that destroyed the lives of many families. The hero is looking for the "fallen star" - a symbol of hope and maternal love, but the years of separation are inexorably passing, and with them, faith in a reunion is melting away.

The finale of the song is permeated with the bitterness of irreparable loss. The hero senses that his mother is no longer alive. The image of the "overgrown grave" symbolizes not only physical death but also the insurmountable abyss separating him from what was most precious. And only at the grave will he be able to somehow express his love and pain, the very "puppy" love that he failed to preserve in his hardened heart.

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