The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Why am I laughing all day long?" (Otchego ves den smeyus) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Why do I laugh all day and hurry somewhere? Why did I have a few too many today?

It's just that a woman kicked me out – but no offense taken: I wasn't even upset.

Lots of things happen, but everything comes to an end. There's plenty of women out there:

Redheads and blondes, juicy and ripe, stilettos, curves, bling, and hair rollers.

They chase after you, cry and such, you sleep with them and toss them aside.

You wake up and wash up, but you'll be back for more sometime.

They should get married – we just string them along for a day, tomorrow you'll be in another's arms.

Sweet and modest, oh so kind, there's never been innocence like yours.

I sit and think: I wish I had a smart woman who would cherish my love.

She would caress and cook, never complain to her husband, and bring him a bottle without a word.

Why do I laugh all day and hurry somewhere? Why did I have a few too many today?

It's just that a woman kicked me out – but no offense taken: I wasn't even upset.

Отчего весь день смеюсь и куда-то тороплюсь? Отчего сегодня я поддал?

Просто баба выгнала — да ничего обидного: я ведь даже не переживал.

Мало ль, что случается, да только всё кончается. Только этих баб хоть пруд пруди:

Рыжие и белые, сочные и зрелые, шпильки, змейки, бляшки, бигуди.

За тобой волочатся, слёзы льют и прочее, переспишь и плюнешь за плечо.

Только просыпаешься, да сразу же смываешься, но придёшь когда-нибудь ещё.

Им бы замуж выскочить — нам на день их раскрутить, завтра ты в объятиях другой.

Милые и скромные, да вы такие добрые, не было невинности другой.

Я сижу и думаю: мне бы бабу умную, чтобы берегла мою любовь.

Гладила и стряпала, мужу век не плакала и бутылочку несла без слов.

Отчего весь день смеюсь и куда-то тороплюсь? Отчего сегодня я поддал?

Просто баба выгнала — да ничего обидного: я ведь даже не переживал.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Why Am I Laughing All Day," the lyrical hero uses irony and sarcasm to hide his pain from a breakup. He pretends to be indifferent, having fun and drinking, claiming that he is not at all bothered by the fact that "the woman kicked him out."

The image of the lyrical hero is contradictory: on the one hand, he speaks cynically about women, perceiving them as stereotypical and available ("There are plenty of fish in the sea..."), on the other hand, he yearns for true love and care ("I wish I had a smart woman who would cherish my love...").

The lyrics of the song reflect typical themes of the chanson genre:

"Blatnaya" romance: the image of the lyrical hero – a kind of "rogue" who is not burdened by serious relationships.

The contrast between female fidelity and male freedom: "They want to get married, we just want them for a day" – the hero contrasts women's desire to start a family with his own desire for freedom and independence.

Alcohol as a way to forget: drinking becomes a way for the hero to drown his emotional pain.

The recurring refrain "Why am I laughing all day...?" emphasizes the feigned cheerfulness and enhances the feeling of the lyrical hero's inner drama. He tries to convince himself and others of his indifference, but in reality he is deeply affected by the breakup.

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