The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Process completed." (Okonchen process) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The trial was over and we were being led out, you tried to tell me something with your eyes -

Your lips whispered something excitedly, but my heart couldn't guess...

Your lips whispered something excitedly, but my heart couldn't guess...

And my friend Andryukha cried like a child, and the opera singer Kutsenko was happy about it

I cry bitterly, I suffer bitterly - no one will return freedom back...

I cry bitterly, I suffer bitterly - no one will return freedom back...

My friends were condemned and given extra time, deprived of their freedom for ten and five years,

And they considered me dangerous to life, and sentenced me to be shot...

And they considered me dangerous to life, and sentenced me to be shot...

And now I sit and wait to be shot, and I think my thoughts on my bunk:

To see my old mother before death and this girl I sing about...

To see my old mother before death and this girl I sing about...

The trial was over and we were being led out, you tried to tell me something with your eyes -

Your lips whispered something excitedly, but my heart couldn't guess...

Your lips whispered something excitedly, but my heart couldn't guess...

Окончен процесс и нас выводили ты что-то хотела мне взглядом сказать -

Взволнованно губы мне что-то шептали, но сердце мое не могло отгадать...

Взволнованно губы мне что-то шептали, но сердце мое не могло отгадать...

А друг мой Андруха рыдал как ребенок, и опер Куценко был этому рад

Я горько рыдаю, я горько страдаю - никто не воротит свободы назад...

Я горько рыдаю, я горько страдаю - никто не воротит свободы назад...

Друзей осудили и дали с запасом, лишили свободы на десять и пять,

А меня посчитали для жизни опасным, и вынесли приговор меня расстрелять...

А меня посчитали для жизни опасным, и вынесли приговор меня расстрелять...

И вот я сижу, дожидаюсь расстрела, и думаю думу на нарах свою:

Увидеть старушку мать мою перед смертью и девочку эту о которой пою...

Увидеть старушку мать мою перед смертью и девочку эту о которой пою...

Окончен процесс и нас выводили ты что-то хотела мне взглядом сказать -

Взволнованно губы мне что-то шептали, но сердце мое не могло отгадать...

Взволнованно губы мне что-то шептали, но сердце мое не могло отгадать...

The song "The Trial is Over" by Mikhail Krug tells the story of a man sentenced to death. The lyrical hero, from whose perspective the story is told, is on death row, awaiting execution.

The text conveys his difficult experiences associated with an unfair trial and the inevitability of death. He mourns the loss of freedom ("no one will bring back freedom"), sympathizes with friends who were also unjustly convicted ("Friends were convicted and given extra time, deprived of their freedom for ten and five years").

There is a love line in the song: the hero sees a girl who is trying to tell him something with her eyes. He does not understand what she wants to convey, but her image inspires hope and a desire to live in him.

The image of the mother is another important symbol. The desire to see his mother before his death emphasizes the tragedy of the situation and the hero's longing for loved ones.

The song "The Trial is Over" is a poignant story of injustice, love and hope, told from the perspective of a man on the verge of death.

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