The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Well, goodbye." (Nu proschay) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

— Well, goodbye, come by if you need anything — your call won't seem strange.

You'll grab your coat from the cloakroom and rush to me from the restaurant.

And now you're leaving — so be it. Your shoes are not for this weather.

And a lonely sadness quietly comes to visit me.


So let's finish this golden wine, though it's surprisingly bitter.

I don't care where you're going. You're a free girl now, my dear.

— Well, goodbye, I won't be coming back. I'll walk through the puddles in my light shoes,

Turning around, I'll say as I run: 'I'll call if you need me.'

And now I'm leaving, so be it. There are always goodbyes ahead,

And an autumnal sadness in my heart, and no understanding in your eyes.


So let's finish this golden wine, though it's surprisingly bitter.

I don't care where you're going. You're a free girl now, my dear.

So let's finish this golden wine, though it's surprisingly bitter.

I don't care where you're going. You're a free girl now, my dear.

— Ну, прощай, приходи, если что, — твой звонок не покажется странным.

Ты возьмёшь в гардеробе пальто и примчишься ко мне с ресторана.

А сейчас ты уходишь — и пусть. Твои туфельки — не по погоде.

А ко мне одинокая грусть потихонечку в гости заходит.


Так допьём золотое вино, но оно удивительно горькое.

Мне, куда ты уйдёшь, всё равно. Ты теперь, моя девочка, вольная.

— Ну, прощай, я уже не приду, в лёгких туфельках выйду по лужам,

Оглянувшись, скажу на бегу: "Позвоню, если будешь мне нужен".

А сейчас ухожу, ну и пусть. Впереди навсегда расставанья,

И на сердце осенняя грусть, и в глазах твоих нет пониманья.


Так допьём золотое вино, но оно удивительно горькое.

Мне, куда ты уйдёшь, всё равно. Ты теперь, моя девочка, вольная.

Так допьём золотое вино, но оно удивительно горькое.

Мне, куда ты уйдёшь, всё равно. Ты теперь, моя девочка, вольная.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Nu proshai" ("Farewell"), we witness a farewell scene between two people whose love has clearly come to an end. The lyrical hero, from whose perspective the story is told, tries to maintain composure and displays feigned indifference to his beloved's departure.

Phrases like "your call won't seem strange," "you'll rush to me from the restaurant" are more of an attempt to convince himself that everything can still be returned than a real offer. He understands that this goodbye is final, as evidenced by the bitter, wormwood-like "golden wine."

The image of light shoes "not for the weather" and "autumn sadness" emphasizes the irrevocability of parting, the fragility of hope for the resumption of relations. The hero lets go of his beloved, recognizing her right to freedom ("you are now, my girl, free"), although his heart is breaking with pain. The repeating refrain "So let's finish the golden wine…" is a kind of ritual of farewell to the past, an attempt to drown out the bitterness of loss.

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