The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Innocent" (Ni v chyom ne vinovatyiy) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Without prospects, without any good, I'm off to Tver, just like they say, purely through connections.

I toiled away on Gagarin Street, while I was stuck in my cell, but I kept saying I was innocent.

We hit a cashier's in Volochek, but got busted at a drug den, and even then, we only got caught because Kadet ratted us out – he cracked.

I'll pay him back in full, the time will come, oh, if only we knew there was a snitch among us!

I never backed down, I was either on top or finished, I wasted my life in prison since I was a young buck.

Без перспективы, без добра, я в Тверь со двора, как говорится, исключительно по блату.

Я на Гагарина коптел, пока я в камере корпел, но я твердил, что я ни в чём не виноватый.

Мы брали кассу в Волочке, а завалились на торчке, и то, на понт Кадета взяли - раскололся.

Ему припомню всё сполна, ещё настанут времена, о, кабы знать, что среди нас стукач найдётся!

Я никогда не пасовал, я или пан, или пропал, я жизнь тюремнюу торчал от малолетки.

Начальник колет, дело шьёт, ну-ну, попробуй - во даёт! Концы с концами не сведёт, а птичка в клетке.

Я помню, первый раз торчал, на всю катушку отмотал, там познакомился с Витюхой - во был кореш!

С Бугром чайку не поделил, потом и сам в буграх ходил, но если скажет поперёк - с ним не поспоришь!

Он на гитаре - ас и Бог, сам Дольский так играть не мог, но жаль под вышку подкатил, всё из-за бабы.

А брали на моих глазах, я плакал, но Витёк сказал: "Не надо, Жора, подожди процесс хотя бы!"

Судья закончил, ахнул зал, а Витька спел: "Базар-вокзал!" и до сих пор в глазах стоит его улыбка.

Меня в наручниках вели, а только в камеру зашли - я понял, что сейчас попались очень крепко...

This song by Mikhail Krug, "Not Guilty of Anything," tells the story of injustice, betrayal, and the harsh realities of prison life. The lyrical hero, imprisoned on false charges, shares his story, full of bitterness, despair, and longing for freedom.

From the very first lines ("Without perspective, without good..."), we feel the hopelessness of the hero's situation. He ends up in prison, innocent, framed by his accomplices. The phrase "they took Kadet's bluff - he cracked" points to the betrayal that led to his imprisonment. The hero is full of resentment and thirst for revenge ("I will remember everything for him in full...").

The author depicts prison life without embellishment - it is a harsh world with cruel laws and orders. The lyrical hero goes through all the trials: beatings ("The boss stabs, sews up the case..."), loneliness ("a bird in a cage"), the loss of friends ("Vitka sang: 'Bazaar-station!' and his smile still stands in my eyes...").

The image of Vityukha - the hero's friend - is key in the song. He is a strong, talented person ("He is an ace and God on the guitar..."), but he also becomes a victim of circumstances, dying because of a woman. The scene of his arrest and his parting words ("'Don't, Zhora, at least wait for the trial!'") are some of the most emotional and tragic in the song.

The ending of the song leaves a feeling of hopelessness. The hero, already resigned to his fate, realizes that freedom is not shining for him ("...I realized that now we are caught very tightly...").

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