The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Cool, bro!" (Nischtyak, bratok!) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Autumn once again squeezed the sky onto the old yards, and kids ran through puddles. I used to run like that too, once upon a time.

And I teased you – you cried into your handkerchief, and the boys would yell at me: "Cool, bro!"

And I teased you – you cried into your handkerchief, and the boys would yell at me: "Cool, bro!"

One time, that time when I stood up for you, you said: "All boys are stupid." I answered: "Kiddo, it's because I like you."

You ran home as fast as you could, and the boys would yell at me: "Cool, bro!"

You ran home as fast as you could, and the boys would yell at me: "Cool, bro!"

Do you remember our first, hesitant kiss? I flew on wings to the shopping center. Took some candy, and they told me: "Don't steal."

That's how, time after time, I got into trouble, but I didn't worry, cool, bro.

That's how, time after time, I got into trouble, but I didn't worry, cool, bro.

Time passed. Time often ran away into silence, and the trust with which you believe me suddenly brought back that distant spring,

Where I loved you, couldn't live without you: and the boys would yell at me: "Cool, bro!"

And I love you, and the bell rang, and it's always been like this for us...

"Cool, bro!"

Осень вновь небо выжала на старые дворы и по лужам побежала детвора. Я когда-то тоже бегал до поры.

И дразнил тебя – ты плакала в платок, а пацаны кричали мне: "Ништяк, браток!"

И дразнил тебя – ты плакала в платок, а пацаны кричали мне: "Ништяк, браток!"

Один раз, тот, когда я заступился за тебя, ты сказала: "Все мальчишки дураки". Я ответил: "Крошка, это ведь любя",

Убежала ты домой со всех ног, а пацаны кричали мне: "Ништяк, браток!"

Убежала ты домой со всех ног, а пацаны кричали мне: "Ништяк, браток!"

Помнишь ты неуверенный наш первый поцелуй? Я в торговый двор на крыльях прилетел. Взял конфет, а мне сказали: "Не воруй".

Вот так за разом раз я попадал на срок, но я не переживал, ништяк, браток.

Вот так за разом раз я попадал на срок, но я не переживал, ништяк, браток.

Время шло. Время часто убегало в тишину, и доверчивость, с какой ты веришь мне, вдруг вернула ту далёкую весну,

Где я любил тебя, жить без тебя не мог: и пацаны кричали мне: "Ништяк, браток!"

И я люблю тебя, и отзвенел звонок, и у нас уже всегда...

"Ништяк, браток!"

In Mikhail Krug's song "Nishtiak, Bratok!" ("Cool, Brother!"), the lyrical hero reminisces about his first love, his childhood and youth spent in a neighborhood group of friends.

The phrase "Nishtiak, Bratok!", repeated as a refrain, reflects the friends' approval of his actions, a peculiar code of boyish honor of that time.

The first verse describes childhood infatuation, how the hero teased the girl to tears, receiving approval from his friends.

The second verse tells about the first timid display of protection and care when the hero stood up for the girl but was misunderstood.

The third verse narrates growing up, the first attempts at courtship, and encounters with the law for the sake of his beloved.

The finale of the song brings us to the present, where the hero, despite the years and hardships, has preserved his love for that very girl. "Nishtiak, Bratok!" takes on a new meaning – it is no longer just the approval of friends but a statement of a happy ending to a love story, an affirmation of the right path chosen.

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