The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Let me go, boss." (Otpusti menya, nachalnik) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Let me go, boss, listen, let me go, it happened like this - and I'm not happy myself.

I wasted her out of jealousy, I made a bet with Kolya.

She's not my wife anymore, I don't need her. There are plenty of men out there for her.

I know it's all over for me, let me go, I'll get that 'wolf'!

You wouldn't be able to escape, boss, you'll understand when you walk this zone.

A trusty pal on my transport told me all about that louse.

Let me go, boss, please, I beg you. I have to see that 'wolf'.

I'll be back as soon as I finish him off, let me go, I'll never see freedom again anyway.

I ended up in jail because of her, I barely made it to the hospital.

My life is a prison, like an animal's, let me go, I loved her after all.

Even now, I look into her eyes - a feather shimmering in the sun.

One step forward, two steps back, listen, boss, the court won't forgive me.

Listen, I'll sign your report without reading it, boss.

As soon as that shameful wolf breathes his last, I'll come back to you, I swear.

What have I got to lose, they're driving me to the gallows anyway. But the bell hasn't tolled yet.

I was the one who called the cops, I got into that black raven myself.

Go ahead, blow your whistles, guards, blow them, that wolf is done for anyway.

Eh, guess I won't be walking her down the aisle under guard, see you in the next life, forgive me.

Отпусти меня, начальник, слышь, отпусти, а случилось так — и сам не рад.

Я ж её мочил по ревности, с Колькой вон побился об заклад.

Не жена она мне больше, не нужна. Мало ль своего, што ль, мужика.

Знаю, дело для меня — хана, отпусти, прибью того "волка"!

А что побег, начальник, ты б не смог, вот потопчешь зону, так поймёшь.

По этапу верный корешок всё мне рассказал про эту вошь.

Отпусти меня, начальник, слышь, прошу. Мне того "волка" бы повидать.

Сам приду, как только замочу, отпусти, век воли не видать.

Я же и в тюрьму влез за неё, до больнички еле доходил.

Жизнь моя блатная, как зверьё, отпусти, ведь я её любил.

Как сейчас, смотрю в её глаза, — пёрышко на солнышке блестит.

Шаг вперёд и два шага назад, слышь, начальник, суд мне не простит.

Слушай, твой, начальник, протокол, не читая, сразу подпишу.

Как испустит дух позорный волк, на духу, я тут же прихожу.

Что терять, под вышку подкатил. Но ещё не прозвенел звонок,

Я ж ведь сам в ментовку позвонил, сам забрался в чёрный воронок.

Ну, свисти, давай, охранникам свисти, всё равно волку тому не жить.

Эхма, с ней мне под конвоем не идти, на том свете свидимся ль, простит.

Mikhail Krug's song "Let Me Go, Chief" tells the story of a prisoner who, driven by jealousy, committed a crime against his beloved. Now, finding himself incarcerated, he learns of her infidelity and craves revenge.

The lyrics of the song reveal the tragedy of the situation on several levels:

Love and Jealousy: The lyrical hero sincerely loves the woman for whom he ended up in prison. However, his love borders on obsession and cruelty. Jealousy blinds him, pushing him to a crime that he himself may regret ("it happened - and I'm not happy myself").

Thirst for Revenge: Upon learning of the betrayal, the hero is obsessed with the idea of revenge ("I'll kill that 'wolf'!"). He is ready for anything, just to take revenge on the offender, even to escape, perfectly understanding what this threatens ("you will trample the zone, then you will understand", "I will never see freedom again").

Awareness of Guilt and Hopelessness: Despite the anger and desire for revenge, the hero is aware of his guilt and the gravity of what he has done. He understands that his act crossed out everything that was between them ("she is no longer my wife, I don't need her"). He resigned himself to the punishment ("the court will not forgive me") and is ready to take responsibility for his actions ("I will come myself as soon as I finish him off").

Criminal Romance: The song is imbued with the "criminal romance" characteristic of Mikhail Krug's work, which, however, does not idealize the criminal world, but rather exposes its cruelty and hopelessness.

The image of the "wolf" in the song has a double meaning. On the one hand, it is a rival, the personification of treason and betrayal. On the other hand, it is the lyrical hero himself, driven into a corner by his feelings and circumstances.

In the finale of the song, the hero accepts his fate and, despite the hopelessness of the situation, asks the head of the prison to release him to carry out his revenge. He is ready to sacrifice everything for the last meeting with his beloved, even if this meeting is his last.

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