The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Autumn rain" (Osenniy dojd) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

The slanting autumn rain will wash away the ache in my heart. Oh, how it hurts! Joy and sorrow reside within.

And a carefree soul quietly enters the house, having come from afar to another kindred soul.


I have returned! Hello, Mama! Oh, please stop lamenting in front of your son!

So, my hair has grayed a little, but I am still the same, please stop… I’m home, Mother…

And my girl didn't greet me as she used to, and the joy in her eyes lasted only three days…

Just three forgotten days and eight years of hope remain forever in my heart.

Косой осенний дождь мне смоет боль сердечную. Ах, как оно болит! В нем радость и тоска

И входит тихо в дом одна душа беспечная, к другой душе родной придя издалека.


Я возвратился! Здравствуй, мама! Ну что ты, перестань при сыне причитать!

Ну, поседел слегка, а так - я тот же самый, ну что ты, перестань... Ведь я вернулся, мать...

А девочка моя не встретила как прежде и радости в глазах хватило на три дня...

Лишь три забытых дня и восемь лет надежды остались навсегда на сердце у меня.

The song "Autumn Rain" by Mikhail Krug tells a dramatic story of a man returning home after a long absence.

Pain and hope: The very first lines describing a "hearty pain" washed away by the rain speak of the lyrical hero's difficult past. This pain is twofold: it contains both "joy and sorrow," hinting at the complex feelings associated with home and loved ones. The image of a "carefree soul" entering the house contrasts with the hero's experiences and possibly symbolizes his hope for peace and healing.

Return and disappointment: The chorus reveals the reason for the worries: the hero returned home to his mother after a long absence ("slightly grayed"). He craves maternal love and warmth, not understanding why she greets him with tears.

A broken dream: The third verse tells a tragic love story. The "girl" the hero loved did not wait for him. "Three forgotten days" and "eight years of hope" indicate that her feelings have cooled, and the hero's hope for happiness has been destroyed.

Autumn rain in the song becomes a symbol of cleansing and renewal, but at the same time emphasizes the sadness and melancholy of the hero. He returned home but did not find the peace and happiness he was looking for.

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