The meaning of the lyrics of the song "The phrase "Песня о калининских ханыгах" is difficult to translate directly into English without further context. The word "ханыга" is a derogatory term for a homeless person or vagrant, often associated with al" (Pesnya o kalininskih hanyigah) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Don't breathe on me and don't squeeze my chest; I'm tired and weak, just a little,

I just want a tiny bit of rest from your scandals, from your drunkard friends, from the fumes of booze, and other drunks and scoundrels.

And from the cigarette smoke, the white tulle is turning yellow.

And the door is greasy, like from hands grabbing it, when a crowd pushes in here.

Not caressed, but soaked, like a scoundrel, with clouded eyes, a red mug.

On the table, in a tattered mess, lies a book.

And dirt is all over the room, and it reeks of piss, like in a dumpster.

And in this thug den, prostitutes are singing, and in the morning, hangovers are shaking.

Earthly paradise in a bottle, the price is three ten, like hangover nausea, it passes.

And the lousy creature, just to get a sip, will start whining.

She'll fawn, caress, joke, smile, flatter, crawl on all fours and, croaking, as if sobbing, will scream:

And like a faithful whore, in what my mother bore me, I will sing and dance, so pour me another – what's the hold up?!'

And after a gulp from the bottle, her eyes clouded over, and she crawled away to the corners.

The table is a mess, flowers have fallen: meadow daisies from a jar, not for beauty,

Just nothing to chase down this awfully lousy 'Rizol'.

One whore got wasted and yelled some nonsense, calmed down only when someone said, calling out:

'I'm your husband'.

Не дыши на меня и не сдавливай грудь; я устал и обмяк и чуть-чуть,

Только самую малость хочу отдохнуть от скандалов твоих, от друзей-забулдыг, перегаров пропитых и прочих синюх и ханыг.

И от дыма табачного белая тюль отдаёт желтизной.

И засалена дверь, как руками берутся, когда сюда прутся толпой.

Не обласканная, а пропитая, как ханыга, мутноглазая, рожа красная.

На столе в переплёте обтрёпанном книга.

И по комнате грязь, и воняет мочой, как в помойке.

И в угаре блатном проститутки поют, и поутру трясутся пропойки.

Рай земной в бутыле, по три десять цена, как икота с похмелья, проходит она.

И паршивая тварь, чтобы дали глоток, заскулит.

Льнёт, ласкаясь, шутя, улыбается, льстит, на карачках ползёт и, хрипя, как навзрыд, закричит:

И как верная блдь, в том, в чём мать родила, буду петь, и плясать, да налейте — так в чём же дела?!"

А хлебнув из горла, помутнели глаза, и она поползла по углам.

На столе весь бардак, и упали цветы: луговые ромашки из банки не для красоты,

Просто нечем запить эту жутко дрянную "Ризоль".

Нажралась одна блдь и вопила какую-то чушь, успокоилась лишь и с собой позвала, когда кто-то сказал:

"Я твой муж".

In the song "Kalininskie Khanygi" (Kalininsky Drunks), Mikhail Krug paints a bleak picture of the life of alcoholics, immersing the listener in the oppressive atmosphere of their existence. The lyrical hero, tired of drunken brawls and scandals, yearns only for peace and respite from the "drunkard friends" who fill his life with "fumes" and chaos.

The image of a dirty, smoky room, where the "door is greasy" from the constant visits of dubious individuals, becomes a metaphor for degradation and decline. The yellowness on the tulle, the stench of urine, the "worn-out" table – all these details create an image of squalor and hopelessness. The lives of the characters are reduced to primitive instincts: "heaven on earth in a bottle", cheap wine, for which "lousy creatures" are ready to humiliate themselves and "whine".

The woman described in the song is the personification of moral decline. "Drunk as a khan", with "cloudy eyes", she is ready for anything for a sip of alcohol. Her frankness borders on the animal instinct for survival. Promises to "sing and dance" in "what her mother gave birth to her in" sound like a tragic grotesque, emphasizing the depth of her fall.

The ending of the song leaves a depressing impression. "Meadow daisies", bought not for beauty, but to disguise the taste of cheap wine, are a symbol of lost illusions and hopes. The appearance of the husband, uttering "I am your husband" amidst the chaos and drunken stupor, sounds like a sentence condemning the heroine to continued torment.

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