The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Pepsi" (Peps) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I write, my lips tracing the lines, and until I arrive home in my thoughts

By the closest – roundabout – way, I will come for you in a carriage.

I will bring you your favorite flowers, filled with freshness,

I will give you poems and sing to you in silence, forgetting the bustle of a soldier's life.

— Listen, my friend, I forgot everything, I promised, but what does it matter – everyone lies, after all.

You were there, my friend – and I loved you, but now others sing to me.

And your countless letters fly into the trash can every day.

I love Bolivian songs now, because they, my friend, are sung simply.

I walked with you as if with a tyrant: no smoking, no drinking, no running off to restaurants.

What did you give me? — Only love, and that's not much, but my friend Pepsi brought me a whole suitcase of clothes.

It doesn't matter that he looks like a monkey ('No big deal'), it doesn't matter that he's black and short ('I'll endure'),

He has sparse teeth, but he gnaws on bananas, and you only bought me candy.

We strolled through restaurants and had a blast, even though Pepsi doesn't speak a word of Russian.

But Pepsi has Russian kopecks. It's just a shame – I can't marry him.

Oh, if only I were black as a log ('Oh, scary!'), with a nose like a ski jump and ears like burdocks,

I would run away to hell with you from the Wagon Factory, stick a sliver – a sliver from a board – in my nose.

Well, serve, go on – it's good for you, so I can live peacefully with Pepsi.

You sent me candy for my birthday ('Candy again!') – I gave that rubbish to the dog.

It's funny when I look at the photo: is that you – in your 'field uniform' with your badge. ('Unrecognizable!')

Well, write, write, and someone will read it: 'I love you, you fool'.

Я пишу, губами строчки трогаю, и пока приеду мысленно домой

Самой близкою — окольною — дорогою, я приеду на карете за тобой.

Я внесу тебе овеянные свежестью твои самые любимые цветы,

Подарю тебе стихи и в тишине спою, позабыв дела солдатской суеты.

— Ты слушай, мой друг, а я всё позабыла, обещала, ну и что — все, впрочем, врут.

Рядом был, дружок, — и я тебя любила, а теперь другие мне уже поют.

И твои неперечисленные письма каждый день летят в помойное ведро.

Я люблю теперь боливийские песни, ведь они, мой друг, поются нехитро.

Я с тобою, как с тираном, погуляла: ни курить, ни пить, ни сбегать в ресторан.

Что ты дал мне? — лишь любовь, а это мало, а друг пепс привёз мне шмоток чемодан.

Ничего, что он похож на обезьяну ("Пустяки"), ничего, что чернокож и ростом мал ("Я потерплю"),

Зубы редкие, зато грызет бананы, а ты мне лишь конфеты покупал.

Мы гуляли в ресторанах и балдели, ничего, что пепс по-русски ни бум-бум.

Зато есть у пепса русские копейки. Жалко только — замуж выйти не могу.

Эх, была бы я черна, как пень-колода ("Ох, страшно!"), нос веслом и уши словно лопухи,

Я б ушла к чертям с Вагонного завода, в нос бы щепку — щепку от доски.

Ну, служи, давай, — тебе полезно это, чтобы я спокойно с пепсом жить могла.

Ты прислал мне в день рождения конфеты ("Опять конфеты!") — эту гадость я собаке отдала.

Мне смешно бывает, как гляжу на фото: ты ли это — на "х/б" твоём значок. ("И не узнать!")

Ну, пиши-пиши, а прочитает кто-то: "Я люблю тебя, какой ты дурачок".


Mikhail Krug's song "Pepsi" satirizes the materialism and hypocrisy of a young woman who trades the sincere love of the lyrical hero for the wealth of a foreigner ("Pepsi").

The song begins with the hero, a romantic who writes letters and dreams of meeting his beloved. He promises to bring her flowers, sing poems, and forget the hardships of his service.

However, his words are met with a cold and cynical response. The girl openly confesses her infidelity, calling her previous feelings a lie. She is not interested in the hero's letters - they end up in the trash. She is infatuated with "Bolivian songs" - a symbol of fashion and prestige, available thanks to her new boyfriend.

The heroine then lists the lyrical hero's "flaws," contrasting them with the generosity of "Pepsi." The hero's love is "not enough," but a suitcase full of clothes is another matter entirely. The foreigner's appearance is irrelevant because he has "Russian kopecks" - a symbol of power and influence.

The finale of the song is full of bitterness and irony. The heroine encourages the lyrical hero to continue his service so that she can enjoy life with "Pepsi." She scornfully gives the hero's gift - chocolates - to the dog. The hero's photo only evokes laughter and contempt from her. The song ends with a bitter joke: "I love you, you fool."

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