The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Snow was falling." (Padal sneg) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

It suddenly got so sad, just snow and the moon outside the window. A friend calls me out of the blue: "Come over, let's sit and have a drink."

I went, took my guitar - there are girls there, and they want songs, and I ended up at a real party, and I saw you there.


Snow was falling in the city park, I'm walking through the snow to you, like to music, snow was falling in the city park.

Like to music, snow was falling in the city park.

Everyone has their own secret, but it's hard to read in the soul... Is it there, happiness, or not, but somewhere, it probably is.

And then the sadness flew away. It's in the past now. I'm not with you, but so be it: because you're in my soul.

Стало так грустно вдруг, лишь снег и луна за окном. Звонит мне как-то друг: "Приезжай, посидим, попьём".

Я поехал, гитару взял – там девчонки, и песен хотят, и попал с корабля на бал, и увидел в гостях тебя.


В городском саду падал снег, я по снегу к тебе иду, как под музыку, падал снег в городском саду.

Как под музыку, падал снег в городском саду.

В каждом есть свой секрет, да трудно в душе прочесть… Есть оно, счастье, нет, да где-то, наверно, есть.

И вот улетела грусть. В прошлом она уже. Я не с тобой, но пусть: ведь ты у меня в душе.

In Mikhail Krug's song "Snow Was Falling," the lyrical hero experiences a moment of sadness and loneliness, which is suddenly interrupted by a friend's invitation. The trip to the meeting turns into an unexpected encounter with a girl who becomes the object of his attention and attraction.

The image of falling snow is a metaphor for the changes taking place in the hero's soul. The initial sadness, symbolized by the silence and loneliness of the winter landscape, is replaced by the anticipation of something new and exciting. The snow, falling "like music," creates an atmosphere of romance and magic, foreshadowing a soon meeting with love.

The motif "from ship to ball" emphasizes the contrast between the ordinary and the festive, the unexpectedness of meeting his beloved. The hero, expecting nothing special, finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of new emotions.

Although the lyrical hero does not stay with the girl, she leaves a deep mark on his soul. The "secret" hidden in every person remains unsolved, but the meeting leaves hope for happiness ("It exists, happiness, or maybe it exists somewhere"). The final lines of the song are filled with light sadness and gratitude for a fleeting but bright feeling.

The use of simple language and relatable themes makes the song resonate with a wide audience. It speaks to the universal human experiences of longing, hope, and the bittersweet nature of love. The melancholic melody and Krug's soulful vocals further enhance the emotional impact of the lyrics.

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