The meaning of the lyrics of the song "Yellowed leaf" (Pojeltevschiy list) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

I sang to the guitar, and at that moment you were all over my pockets, your hands elbow-deep, but it was empty all the way down.

I poured a gulp of the accursed down my throat, spat with contempt, and growled: "Live alone, then!"

You scattered my life to the wind, ruble by ruble, broke my heart to pieces on a Sunday morning,

By this you made your shameful contribution to your own life. Give your soul to God at least, you're still a wretch!

It seems like I'm walking barefoot along Sovietskaya Street, where there are three birches, where the sky props up the obelisk.

I feel your gaze on my back, I turned sharply, and only saw an aspen leaf circling in the air.

The yellowed leaf falls under the feet of passers-by, into the mud, under the soles of worn-out shoes,

As if the girl who caressed me at night was begging: "My dear, stay for another hour!"

I'm in front of the mirror, that leaf is my reflection, it flew off somewhere, I don't remember where.

Like on a wedding night, I lack patience, if I see a girl in a negligee.

I hit the lyrical notes, but often with a swing, there it is - the line, and beyond it you can already sob.

I cross it, but only in my soul it subsides, quietly fades away, and yet the chord must be taken.

Я пел под гитару, а ты в этот миг по карманам и руки по локти, да пусто до самого дна.

Я пропустил через горло глоток окаянной, сплюнул с презреньем и рявкнул: "Живи, мол, одна!"

Ты мою жизнь от рубля распустила по ветру, сердце в осколки разбила в воскресную рань,

Этим внесла в свою жизнь препозорную лепту. Душу хоть Богу отдай, а ты все-таки дрянь!

Вроде, иду я один босиком по Советской, где три березы, где небо подпер обелиск.

Чувствую взгляд твой назад, обернулся я резко и лишь увидел, как кружит осиновый лист.

Лист пожелтевший под ноги прохожим ложится в самую грязь, под подошвы обшарпанных ног,

Словно, меня приласкавшая ночью, девица просит: "Мой милый, останься еще на часок!"

Я перед зеркалом, лист тот - мое отраженье, где-то слетел, а откуда не помню уже.

Как в новобрачную ночь не хватает терпенья, если увижу девчонку в одном неглиже.

В лирику бью, только часто с отмашкой бывает вот она - грань, и за ней уже можно рыдать

Переступаю, да только в душе утихает, гаснет по-тихому и все же аккорд надо брать.

Mikhail Krug's song "The Yellowed Leaf" embodies a profound tragedy of unrequited love and bitter disappointment. The lyrical hero experiences the betrayal of his beloved, who "scattered his life to the wind," breaking his heart.

The image of a yellowed leaf becomes a metaphor for the hero himself, his state of being. The leaf, once full of life and color, is now withered, abandoned to fate, just like the lyrical hero, who feels empty and alone. He compares himself to a leaf that "lies in the dirtiest mud," as he himself may be sinking to the bottom of life after the pain he has experienced.

Despite the pain and resentment, the hero does not lose the ability to love ("Like on a wedding night, I lack patience when I see a girl in just a negligee"). However, he is aware of the danger of crossing the line between lyrics and reality, where feelings can lead to new suffering. Despite the inner struggle, he continues to live and create ("the chord must be taken"), finding solace in music.

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