The meaning of the lyrics of the song "After the rain" (Posle dojdya) the performer of the song "Mikhail Krug"

Shadows run outside the window across the yard, hiding from the rain in the dark street,

But they disappear in the morning. Smile, don't frown like that.

The wind carries a guitar tune, something very familiar in it...

You said goodbye, forgetting my address. I'm walking back home alone again.


After the rain — our love is gone with you,

And I was waiting for it so much after the rain — with you.

After the rain — it was easy to walk with you...

And you said to me: 'Forgive me' — and walked away with another in the rain.

You know how you want to keep happiness, even when it is only in your memory.

And let the anticipation of tender meetings remain in my heart forever.


After the rain — our love is gone with you,

And I was waiting for it so much after the rain — with you.

After the rain — it was easy to walk with you...

And you said to me: 'Forgive me' — and walked away with another in the rain.

Тени бегут за окном по двору, прячась от дождика в тёмную улицу,

Но исчезают они поутру. Ты улыбнись, и не надо так хмуриться.

Ветер доносит гитарный мотив, слышится в нём что-то очень знакомое...

Ты попрощался, мой адрес забыв. Снова одна возвращаюсь до дома я.


После дождя — с тобой наша любовь ушла,

А я её так ждала после дождя — с тобой.

После дождя — с тобой было легко идти...

А ты мне сказал: "Прости" — и в дождик ушёл с другой.

Знаешь, как хочется счастье сберечь, даже когда оно только лишь в памяти.

И ожидание ласковых встреч пусть навсегда в моём сердце останется.


После дождя — с тобой наша любовь ушла,

А я её так ждала после дождя — с тобой.

После дождя — с тобой было легко идти...

А ты мне сказал: "Прости" — и в дождик ушёл с другой.

Mikhail Krug's song "After the Rain" conveys a poignant sadness and bitterness of a separation that occurred to the accompaniment of rain. The lyrical heroine is left alone with memories of love, which, like shadows outside the window, are still alive but doomed to disappear.

The first lines create a melancholic atmosphere: shadows running away from the rain symbolize fading feelings, vainly seeking refuge from reality. Addressing an unknown interlocutor ("Smile, and don't frown like that") betrays the heroine's inner struggle, the desire to retain a ghostly feeling of closeness.

A guitar motif coming from somewhere in the distance becomes a trigger for memories. The familiar melody is possibly associated with a loved one, with whom happy moments are associated. The contrast between past and present is emphasized by the heroine's lonely return home.

The chorus of the song is a cry from the heart, filled with pain and disappointment. Rain becomes a metaphor for change, purification, but at the same time a symbol of loss. The phrase "After the rain, our love is gone" sounds like a sentence, a statement of fact that the heroine finds difficult to accept. She continues to cling to the past ("And I waited for it so much"), cherishing memories of the lightness and happiness that love gave.

Despite the pain, the heroine does not want to let go of the memories. Happiness, even if it remains in the past, she keeps as a treasure. The expectation of meetings, even illusory ones, keeps hope in her and does not allow her to completely plunge into the abyss of despair.

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